Hey could you help me find the link to Diane Wilson's personal website?
Like <> or something?
I've been searching everwhere and can't find it.
She musta accidentally deleted my email to her requesting the
link address to her personal webpage that has information up
to expose the Dastardly Watchtower Kult, for anyone surfing out there
for information on jehovah Witnesses - you know, those kinds of folk
who use the Internet in the BEST possible way - to find information,
for FREE FREE FREE that someone was willing to work hard on, do the
research and then freely share their efforts, knowing that THEY
will one day need the help of others who've posted their research
on the Net for free, on a subject THEY will be badly need.
It's kinda that Unwritten Rule of Common Courtesy and Community Sharing that has been one of the main attractions for me, since
I first went online.
When I discovered the Internet, and it's largely FREE Interchange
of Ideas and Information, it was like a science fiction dream come
true for me, as I remember those sf books I read as a kid, dreaming
of a future world with instantaneous/push-of-a-button/unfathomable
amounts of information, right at the person's fingertips.
I was curious to read it and see just how she, Diane Wilson,
designed her own personal site, giving it her personal touch, to help others, to be in the service to others... like I suppose she was
"pretending?" to do when she was with the jehovah's Witnesses,
'cause that's why a lot of people go into the Watchtower-
to serve their fellowman (at least THAT is the motivation they tell
you, even though you and I know that's a bunch of baloney... I mean,
maybe not the "motive", especially on the part of the rank and file,
but the 'actual work' they engage in).
So, if Diane Wilson was once a jehovah Witness with that motive,
that ALL good witnesses should have, maybe she HAS discarded the
Counterfeit, and is NOW displaying the Genuine motive of doing all
she can, as a Christian, or not and is following the model of Christ, or Ghandi, or Mother Teresa and the teachings of self-sacrifice,
and is REALLY engaging in a true work
of serving and helping her fellowman and woman-
and especially the Idea of the Strong Helping the Weak...
and the downtrodden and those with very limited resources.
or, or, could you supply me with a link to her NEW BOOK which she put
up Online For Free, for all those who can't afford to buy her book.
People like me, who just got all screwed up when we spent ourselves
doing the Watchtowerkult's bidding, and are pretty much BROKE today.
I can't find that link, either.
Please help.
Thank you.
LOve, Tallyman