So, are Bill Bowen, aka, SilentLambs et al dissidents or not?
AND, more importantly, in what way do the WTBS deal with so-called dissidents?
Refer to for all quotes within.
In a letter addressed to Dateline NBC dated February 7,2002 JR Brown states one of the main reasons the JW did NOT DO an on-camera interview:
In this situation, you have related to us that your participants are primarily individuals who still regard themselves as Jhovah's Witnesses. We therefore do not view them as adversaries, but as individulas whose views and opinions should be heard within the framework of the congregation, or church, and not in front of a nationwide television audience.So, the WBTS is taking the position (theoretically) that as JW in good standing, they would be free to QUESTION the position of the WTBS on ANY and ALL issues.
Now let's examine whether their statement holds up.
On the same site, a transcript of a VNR (Video News Release) entitled "How reliable are the views of dissidents?" and subtitled "How to maintain moral standards" you will find the following gems.
DR Stark:and
The most unreliable evidence available is from people who have quit a group and for some reason or another are harboring a grudge.
People who have got moral codes that they adhere to KICK OUT people who don't.So there you have it.
First the WBTS tells you that you are free to express your views in the local congregation. Then they print articles such as "Harboring Secret Thoughts" whereby they tell you that YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HARBOR ANY VIEWS DIFFERENT from their own.
Then they will KICK YOU OUT. (Of course because you have no morals). And they will then proceed to tell anyone and everyone that will listen that you are nothing but a disgruntled ex-JW. Either way, they will never entertain the thought that they could be WRONG about an issue.
The old Potomac Two-step.
Well, as Harrison Ford aka Jack Ryan would say:
Sorry Mr. Brown, I don't dance.