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Hi Ballistic;I am one of those who was preached to in later life...I was 20 with 1 child and another on the way-living with and happy with my boyfriend.Unfortunately suffered from postnatal depression as many mothers do, but that's when they 'pounced'I was never bapsised; but guilt of not 'progressing' to baptism kept me hanging on in there for 10+ years.Throughout all that time I brought up my children to believe the crap they taught me and suceeded in upsetting the whole balance of my relationships with my partner; my mother; my friends;and my family.I guess I felt anger when I found out about the un situation,and anger when all my husbands friends would make my life a living hell,but now I feel sad; sad that I wasted so much time; sad that I hurt my family;and sad that I now have to spend so much time rebuilding the parts of my life I unknowingly nearly ruined.I am lucky in that my friends never left me, neither did my husband or family-but it came close a few times- now they tell me they were waiting for the old me to come back-i'm so glad they did.I went to a housewarming party tonight and who was there but the woman I studied with and her hubby !They are both still jw's and the last time I saw her we had our one and only 'row' about child abuse and the un sit..I was so proud of my husband..he and I spoke to them in a really friendly way- had a few drinks and had a bloody good time-my feelings?I just wished they wer'nt jw's as they'll never knowingly put themselves in our path again- but how sad when we get on so well and had such a laugh together with all the other heathens there!I HATE that part of my life now-and do still feel a little anger-but I guess we're all vunerable sometimes and we should'nt condem ourselves for something we chose in a different stage of our lives.I just hope my children don't feel about me as perhaps you feel about your parents...I was only doing what I thought to be right at the time...and we all make mistakes.I hope that it's made me an even more tolerant person,less quick to judge and certainly tonight I can say I honestly love everyone at the hall who was good to me-but I just have to let them go.The ones who were bastards can go to hell and they know I won't hold back if I meet them,but they stay out of my way!As for the 'truth'?The truth is for people who cannot handle the ugly reality of life,we were cowards,insecure and childish,unable to deal with the weightier subjects of life...I feel angry at times for the injustice I suffered; but basically relieved that it's all over and I got out in one piece.I guess I do feel duped-but that was,nt the fault of my study conductor; or your parents; they probably still don't know the faults in the society-how can you check a society like that?We're jusy really nice people who wanted the world to be a good place to be...don't be angry, take it as proof that you care about the big questions!! xxx
When are we going for that drink??!!