by crawdad2 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • crawdad2

    here's the bind the gov body is in.......these are just my opinions.

    to please the gen public, and to maintain a "righteous look", the gov body has to assure everyone that pedophiles and rapists will be reported to the police.

    the problem;.......if they are reported to the police, the media will pick it up. ........and there are so many jw pedophiles, and rape victims, it's not just a few isolated cases.......the victims will then be questioned, and the truth about how bad the situation really is, will come out publicly.... all the details of how the elders knew about it for years and years, but allowed the abuse to continue, will come out in the courtroom.
    it will all be documented........ even the gov body's secret instructions to elders will become an issue, and they will be in deep trouble.

    their solution;...... keep jw pedophiles, child abuse, and rape cases out of court........AT ALL COST!.....THEOCRATIC WARFARE!!!

    effect on children and rape victims; .....even more so than before, children reporting that a parent is repeatedly molesting them, will be silenced at all cost....elders not going along with this arrangement will be deleted....cold hearted brothers, loyal to the gov body will replace them.

    even cases where guilt is proven will be silenced, pushed under the carpet, made out to be no big deal, for fear it ends up in a courtroom.

    children will be imiediatly handed back over to the parent molester, and the molester will be instructed to make sure this young child is silenced, before anyone hears about it, and it brings reproach on jehovahs organization.

    just my opinion, ........ if you think i'm wrong, i would like to hear it, .....i'm afraid alot of children are going to start disapearing... they are walking talking evidence.

  • RR

    To my knowledge, there is no more Governing Body. It has been dissolved when they created all those new corporations and reorganzied.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! .

  • IslandWoman


    The Governing Body still exists. They supposedly handed over the oversight of the corporations to others in order to care full time for spiritual matters. They added 4 new members a couple of years ago.


  • RR

    Yes, but what they did a few years ago, was pull out all their "anointed" people as officers of the corporations, so that only rank and file are directors, but to my knowledge the GB was dissolved and now there is only the "FDS class" made up of those anointed GB members. But they don't refer themselves as the GB. I don't think you'll find any references to the GB since the reorganization.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! .

  • IslandWoman


    Here is quote from the March 15, 2002 Watchtower page 14, "As in the first century, a small group of qualified men from among the anointed overseers now serve as the Governing Body, representing the composite faithful and discreet slave. Our Leader uses this Governing Body to appoint qualified men-whether spirit -anointed or not- as elders in the local congregations."

    Page 15: "How reassuring to know that Jesus Christ provides leadership to his disciples today through the Governing Body, the holy spirit, and the angels!"


  • Elsewhere

    Jesus Christ provides leadership to his disciples today through the Governing Body

    does this mean that the GB has a direct uplink to the big JC himself???

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • FetterFree Annie
    FetterFree Annie

    What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ being the ONLY mediator between God and man?

    We don't need a GB!

    We don't need a priest!

    We don't need the Pope! God Bless him anyway

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Elsewhere,

    Here is another quote from the article:

    "Our Leader is perfect. The men he has given us as gifts are not. So they may err at times. Yet, it is vital that we remain loyal to Christ's arrangement. In fact, living up to our dedication and baptism means that we recognize the legitimacy of spirit-appointed authority in the congregation and willingly submit to it. Our baptism 'in the name of the holy spirit' is a public declaration that we recognize the holy spirit and acknowledge the role it plays in Jehovah's purposes. (Matthew 28:19) Such a baptism implies that we cooperate with the spirit and do nothing to hinder its operation among Christ's followers. Since the holy spirit plays a vital role in the recommendation and appointment of elders, can we really be faithful to our dedication if we fail to cooperate with the elder arrangement in the congregation?"

    Too bad nobody told the Apostle Paul it was wrong to buck Peter or the Superfine Apostles of his day!! LOL


  • crawdad2

    that's one of the things that woke me up.
    i kept seeing lying haughty hypocrites being appointed to be in positions of authority...... while the P.O. claimed the holy spirit appointed them.
    i saw wicked commitee meeting decisions, and the elders claimed they were made by holy spirit, when i knew they were wrong.

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