Curious to know if anybody plans to attend this BRCI gathering in Itasca IL.
Anybody ever attended this assembly
by TurnTheLightOn 8 Replies latest social current
I went to last year's BRCI conference which was held in Chatham, Ontario, Canada.
I enjoyed it very much. The organizers are very kind and the attendees last year were in various stages of post-WT hurt. The talks were uplifting and there were also opportunities to relate personal experiences (uncanned, extemporaneous experiences).
Contacts made at last year's conference are still very valuable to me.
If I can swing it financially, I might even attend this year's conference!
When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift
My wife and I just might attend this year. It would be a first for us and I am a little concerned with jumping in so to speak with both feet. How many usually attend?
I went to brci in ontario in 97 or 98. At the time i liked it a lot. The people were very hospitable, open, personable. It was mildly christian. One speaker confessed to not being a christian. The fact of letting him have his say was only mildly criticised.
I'm new to this site. What is BRCI?
BRCI is a group of XJWs that formed about 20 years ago. I would describe them as generic Christian. What I mean is that they, as a group, accept Christianity, but they do not preach doctrine or try to convert anyone. There mission is a simple one, to help those who left the religion to get over the emotional pain. If you want to learn more about them, and read what they have written, you can call 1-800-WHY-1914.
Several people that you may have heard of have spoken at their conferences, including Ray Franz, Jim Penton, Amazing, Ros, OutofService, and Larc. (List is in descending order of importance, at least at the top and bottom of the list.)
BRCI stands for Biblical Research and Commentary International.
What is the average attendance at this gathering?
I went to the conference 2 years ago, when it was also held in Itasca, IL. It was my first time actually meeting other online XJWs in person. It was wonderful!
I hope to also attend this I live in IL, if I can swing it. When I was there 2 years ago and I met people who I knew as a child, as well as a couple who knew my parents many, many years before. Also, a family arrived late, who were actually once in my own congregation when I attended years before....they had been looking things up on the internet and ran across the site telling about the conference. It was cool to meet them again.
It made things feel so much better, seeing and speaking with others who could relate to my well as hearing some of the people speak. If anyone gets a chance to go, I highly recommend it. Before the conference, I think I'll check to see how many on this board may be, if I make it, I can know who to look for!! :-D