I just read the posting about the definition of apostate. The new Oxford American Dictionary defines the word as: A person who renounces a religious or political belief or principal. That is it period. The Witness definition is so wide and broad it has become a joke to me. When I DAed myself and I went public about the sexual abuse I went through as a child, I was Coronated with three titles by the Lowell, MA. congregation. They were, Apostate, Demonized and Insane. Bet most of you didn't get all three did ya? So here I am an insane ex dub who deals with demonic apostasy all because I got fed up with the total absurdity of the Witnesses. I unfourtunately was born and raised into the Borg, my daddy was a Bethelite for 13 years during the booze soaked years of Judge(??) Rutherford and Ma was a coleporter. I do admit I wqas drinking heavy in my last years as a JW but then I know of a lot of closet drinkers in the Borg. But I've been sober 8 1/2 years without the help of any Awake magazines or those princes among men. But back to my titles. I asked my ex-wife who is a Witness Queen why I am labeled an apostate. She muttered something about my being demonized and hung up. So I called one elder who still spoke to me and he hemmed and hawed and didn't give me answer. So I guess I am apostate for speaking against the so called Holy Men of the Watchtower and their draconian policies. But the demonized part still eludes me. As far as the insanity goes, there is no such thing. I know, I am a psych major in college. Insanity is only a legal term used in the courts. I may be crazy but i'm happy that way and it keeps those JW drones from knocking at my door. Peace,
On being apostate
by docpalo 6 Replies latest jw friends
That's something. They think you are demonized, but they can't tell you why. Hmmmm. Do you have horns and a tail? Do you exhale fire and caste spells? These are the first clues, I understand.
Your parents go back a ways. Do they have any interesting stories about Bethel, the house of God, or did they keep pretty quiet about all that?
That former brother in-law of yours D.C. always had a few choice names for you. By the way did you know he was accused of being a pedo at one time?
Welcome to the forum DocPolo. I suspect you're someone we might have read a bit about? Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm not df'd or da'd, although I did have a "marking" talk that was evidently obviously directed at my person.
Takes me back to my younger years when my mother attempted to prove I was possessed. They even had a group of elders come to our home. By that time I figured i would give them a good show. Hopefully they got the message. I say you should have fun with it....maybe dress up as a little devil or something. (I've noticed they have more fun with trying to prove something that isn't rather than just accepting face value) Or my "wordly" friends at highschool often recommended coming to the door with a red colored knife and asking if they would like to participate with their next sacrifice. I always got chuckles and wondered if it worked. Maybe you'll let me know. In the meantime just think - Is their warped opinion of you really worth all that much.
So you're "demonized," eh? Well, welcome to the club!
When dubs need to justify their stupid policies and stupid practices and they can't find a real reason, they just make up stuff.
Someone being "demonized" is a good example of that. You cannot prove them wrong, and even if you could they wouldn't be convinced. You cannot convince idiots of anything.