WTBTS and Family Alienation!!!!!!!Help!!!!

by normie67 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • normie67

    just back from "worldly" Funeral of close relative!!To make it short I was upset about the fact that all the years as JW seen him probably 3 times over period of 15 yrs!!Me and my wife got into a heated discussion about how WTBTS deals with association with "Worldly" Relatives!!She says that the Org doesn't discourage Association, but my situation was because how my parents applied council from the Org!!She may be right, but it seems to me the Org was dogmatic about association with worldly relatives!!Does somebody have research or archived anything on this!! I seem to remember a thread on Old H2O about this!!It was a very emotional weekend to say the less. I was pi$$ed about not having been closer to my dear relative.

  • Moridin

    Sorry I don't have the info your looking for, but I do know what your going through. I too had relatives pass away and never really knew them because we weren't supposed to associate with non-believing relatives because it could steer us into wrong thinking. I now have taken a different stance on the issue and am trying to repair what I can, the relationships I never had with relatives. Hang in there.


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