In a discussion of allowing Godly principles rather than laws rule your life, para. 15 states, "Following Bible principles, we will avoid trying to live (or demand others to live) by an extensive and rigid set of do's and don'ts that go beyond the teachings of the Bible."
I've read on this site many times that JW's are ruled by man-made rules and regulations relating to all sorts of stupid topics. Do we say then that any JW who tries to enforce a man-made rule, such as being clean shaven, is not living up to the teachings of the Bible?
WT April 15th 2002
by petespal2002 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
: Do we say then that any JW who tries to enforce a man-made rule, such as being clean shaven, is not living up to the teachings of the Bible?
A resounding YEP!!!
so faithfulness to this statement should be of greatest importance to each JW, the brothers in the Writing Dept. know why they write what they write, don't they?
Yeah, I believe the 'brothers' in the writing department know exactly what they write, and why they write it..
It's a very effective technique in mnd control.. You 'present' the facts to them in such a way as to suggest that 'we are not doing this to you' yet you have then planted a seed by which you can point out others and say, see, we warned you about this stuff.. Glad we don't do that, aren't you..
The mind by default is 'wired' to assume that if someone warns you of something, that person doing the warning is NOT the person perpetrating the 'crime' against you..
If I were to say to you, "Hey, I think you should be careful.. I've heard that there is someone out there that is trying to steal your wallet" you would probably be put 'on gaurd' by my warning, looking for anyone that may indeed by trying to steal your wallet.. However, by me telling you this, I have gained a bit of trust from you, because I gave you the warning... The more I 'warn' you of things, the more 'trust' I earn.. Meanwhile, since I was the one that 'warned' you, you certainly wouldn't be expecting that I was the one that I was warning you about, would you? No, you wouldn't be protecting your wallet from me, after all, it's just not logical that I would warn you about myself..
Repeat these 'I'm warning you because I love you" many times, and soon I have your complete confidence.. The WT seems to be masters at this.. I find this technique used in almost every article I read from them!!!
For anyone indoctrinated by the technique, the writings look completely ordinary, and the person is put at 'ease' because their 'trusted friend' is once again 'warning' them of something, but anyone not indoctrinated by that will see immediatly the complete and utter hypocrisy that the statement holds, and the fact that the warnings are indeed exactly what the 'warner' is trying to do to them in the first place...
To carry this point even further, people outside the WT can see through this, and so they begin to warn their loved ones exactly what the WT is trying to do to them (It's a cult, can't you see the hypocrisy in this statement, look here, they are false prophets, etc.. etc.. etc..)..
But, what did their 'trusted friend' the WT already tell them what would happen? They warned that Satan will indeed try any and every means possible to 'pull you away' from us.. Hence, the warnings are not only ignored by members already indoctrinated, but indeed the WT has used that 'default wiring' to say, "We were the ones to warn you of this behaviour'.. The very act of trying to show your loved ones that the WT is wrong becomes a re-enforcement to the JW.. They are very clever, indeed!!!!
Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 9 June 2002 17:14:40
Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 9 June 2002 17:19:34
hi little old,
i agree,........ their articles are very cleverly worded...... they know exactly what they are doing....
Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 June 2002 20:17:39
(Best if read in an Ed McMahon voice)
This is typical JWism.