All right, I'm still a newbie, but here's a great way for me to do some research: A Survey!
1. Were you:
A. Born into "the truth" (as the JWs put it.)
B. Joined between ages 4-12
C. Joined between ages 13-21
D. Joined after the age of 22
2. Why did you become a baptized JW or associated with JWs?
3. If you were a child in the JWs and are no longer in the church:
A. Why did you leave?
B. Did you enjoy your time in? (God, that line sure makes the JWs sound like prison :X ) Give reasons why you feel the way you do.
4. If you are still in the JWs, why are you still in?
5. What is your highest education level? If you are a former member, what was the highest level of education you obtained while you were still in? And what is it now that you are gone from the Organization?
6. What is/was your biggest complaint about the JW doctrine?
7. If you are/were part of an interracial relationship/partner as a JW or when you were one, what the reception you recieved from your "brothers and sisters"? What is/was the ethnic make-up of the relationship?
And what you do think is the attitude of the Organization towards interracial relationships?
8. If you are Asian/Asian-American, would you be willing to discuss with me through email about your experiences in the JWs?
To do list:
1.Still waiting to goose the Organization.