I want another child, it's just that simple. I have one and we are past the rocky early years and now I am thinking of another one.
However, my heart and my mind are in conflict. How do you decide whether or not it's in the best interest of your family to add another member?
My angst in making this decision is directly related to growing up a witness. Because I didn't go to college, save for my future and just generally plan my life around a family, I am concerned that financially and emotionally I can not have another child.
I am afraid I won't be able to afford a second child, including saving for college while I make up for lost years saving for my retirement. I don't think I will be able to afford the daycare for two kids. And I can't quit my job, I need to have a steady paycheck, benefits, 401k. And I am afraid of trying to hold down a job with two kids, double the potential sick leave I may need.
Emotionally, I am just beginning to live. I am afraid that I will lose myself forever if I have another child. I have not taken the time to discover who I am, to find a job a really love, a true calling in life. And although I am relatively young, I am phyiscally drained from years of working, meetings, field service, etc. I need to heal, become healthy and maybe in 3 or 4 years, (having only one child), I can take the risk of quitting my job and going to school full-time.
Yet it broke my heart the other day, as I packed away clothes my son has outgrown, I pictured another little boy wearing them, running across the room to me, his chubby arms and hands outstretched and his little voice calling "mommy".
I am sick over this decision, does anyone have any advice?