Just like any commercial enterprise, the WT is out to hock it's wares. Just like the old Fuller Brush or Watkins salesperson, the WT sends people door to door to pitch it's religion, a religion that should be pitched into file 13, that is.
The only satisfaction a 'hovah gets doing this job is when somebody is dumb enough to "buy" the religion. Unlike Fuller Brush or Watkins, which both sold good and usable products, the WTS sells bullshit religion that often times will come back to bite the "buyer" in the ass. Like a crooked used car salesman that sells a p.o.s. car to some gullible sap, the WTS does this with religion. Has there been more dissatisfied customers than those who buy into the WTS?
Let us take a look at how the WTS bill of goods affect people.
When a person becomes a 'hovah, these things more than likely will happen:
1. Friends and family(who aren't duped by the WTS) are suddenly "of the devil" if they don't agree with your new religion, and are likely shunned.
2. Those of the family who don't become 'hovahs, suddenly are thrust into a situation where the 'hovah refuses to join in family gatherings, especially if a "pagan" holiday is involved, upsetting and confusing people such as spouses and children.
3. The non 'hovah spouse, and even some other family members start to believe that the new 'hovah is mentally unbalanced, and they are probably right.
4. Arguments can be the norm in the house if the 'hovah tries to convert the spouse, leading to all kinds of chaos, including divorce and even murder or suicide.
5. becoming a 'hovah can have a detrimental affect on kids that are in the household.(see also #4) They can be caught in a "tug-of-war" between the 'hovah and the non 'hovah that can cause a feeling of fear and instability for the kids. If kids start to "take" to the 'hovah teachings, suddenly the non-believing parent can become an enemy. Kids at school can be cruel when the child starts to spout goofy WTS crap.
6. Options for career advancement or other oppertunities are suddenly severly curtailed. College is an option that may be viable to the 'hovah, but will more than likely result in guilt for not "putting the kingdom first".
7. If the 'hovah is a man, he will be expected to advance "spiritually" in the congregation. This, to the detriment of the wife and kids. The male 'hovah will be forced by his new "conscience" to put 'hovah activities before the welfare of his family. If the 'hovah is a woman, she is expected to be a doormat, even for an abusive husband, "worldly" or 'hovah.
8. The 'hovah puts his life and the life of his family at risk when adhering to often confusing medical rules.
9. The 'hovah is often given ignorant, uneducated, or just plain bad advise by the "elders" in the congregation, resulting in a 'hovah not getting the professional help that may be needed.
10. A 'hovah is putting his or her kids in grave danger by adhering to WTS rules that protect pedophiles and other sex abusers and
11. If a 'hovah has a serious and sincere doubt about what the WTS teaches, he/she may find themselves on the receiving end of some harsh criticism by the "elder", and probably will be disfellowshipped, then shunned by most 'hovahs, including possibly a 'hovah spouse, kids, parents, brothers, sisters, etc. The sad thing is, most in the congregation will not know the exact nature of the disfellowshipping, and assume that the "offending" 'hovah is guilty of some horrible crime.
12. Family and friends of the 'hovah that are hovahs can be disfellowshipped also, causing the loss of companionships and life long friendships. People who are DF'd, if still believing the WTS "bill of goods", rarely get professional help if they need it. Instead they are told to pray more, read WT literature more, kiss elders ass more, etc., etc., etc.
There are probably a multitude of other negative side affects from "buying" into the WTS. There are just too many to list.
Just as a person may research the reliabilty of a car, power tool, or anything else before buying, doing the same for changing religions or becoming religious is a must. Don't "buy" any junk, people.
Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division