Ever seen the plate spinner rushing from pole to pole keeping all his plates spinning? Substitute lies for plates and you will see as time goes on it will be increasingly difficult for the WTS to keep all its stuff ticking over.
It was so easy in times gone by. After all ever wondered why you're in this position? The answer is likely, you or your family were taken in by the entirely erroneous 1975 teaching. Apart from that teaching the WTS probably would have died a death, having already disenchanted the previous generation with a host of flip-flops. Such ones had already seen the abject plate spinner at work.
Keep an eye on the number baptized each year. You will see there was nothing to write home about until the '75 bandwagon got well and truly rolling. This particular 'plate' spun quite well before crashing spectacularly.
*** w60 1/1 23-4 The Peace and Unity of Jehovah's Witnesses ***
In 1959 many more persons in the world wanted to show their faith in Jesus Christ and be Christians and they proved it by their works. There were 86,345 men and women who were baptized by being completely immersed under the water, indicating that they had dedicated their lives to the service of Jehovah and that henceforth they were going to live full Christian lives to Jehovah's praise
*** w61 1/1 19 Apply Your Hearts ***
7 It is a joy to report that during the 1960 service year 69,027 persons were baptized in water in symbol of their dedication to the doing of Jehovah's will. With these thousands of newly ordained ministers bringing forth good treasure from their hearts, many, many more thousands of people of good will will be reached with the good news of God's kingdom.
*** w62 1/1 21 Be Imitators of Christ and Show Your Courage ***
10 With 33,209 more witnesses of Jehovah reporting in 1961, there were only 1,032,856 additional hours spent in preaching the good news. Why? Had just these witnesses of Jehovah let their light shine twenty minutes a day, two and a half hours a week, ten hours each month, they could have spent 3,985,080 hours preaching the good news during the year. Throughout the world the average hours of the congregation publisher dropped, and the same can be said for the pioneers and special pioneers.
*** w63 1/1 29 'Fight a Fine Fight for the Faith' ***
These, too, like the remnant who had dedicated their lives to God's service, have symbolized their dedication to God's service by water baptism. There were 69,649 individuals who did this. The baptizing of such a great crowd in just one year places a grave responsibility upon those who are already in the truth.
*** w64 1/1 27 Love and Boldness Lead to Life ***
During the year 1963 Jehovah's witnesses baptized 62,798 individuals from all nations, people and tongues
*** w65 1/1 26 Worship the God of Resurrection ***
Just last year there were 68,236 persons baptized, showing that they have dedicated their lives to the doing of Jehovah's will.
*** w66 1/1 24 What Has Christendom Done for You? ***
In fact, during the last service year there were 64,393 baptized, showing that they have dedicated their lives to Jehovah God.
*** w67 1/1 21 The Report of Those Sent to Harvest ***
In the 199 lands where Jehovah's witnesses have been preaching during the past service year, 58,904 individuals have dedicated their lives to the doing of Jehovah's will and symbolized this dedication by water immersion.
However that was to change with the publication of 'Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God.' Number of baptised ones would now increase dramatically.
*** w68 1/1 29 How Great a Witness? ***
This Jehovah's witnesses have been, because 74,981 individuals from all over the world have dedicated their lives to serve Jehovah and were baptized in water during the year 1967.
*** w69 1/1 25 Lovers of God's Name ***
What a joy it has been to see 82,842 persons with whom Bible studies have been conducted in 1968 go on to dedicate their lives to Jehovah and be baptized in water in public symbol of their dedication to the doing of God's will henceforth!
*** w70 1/1 15 The Implanting of the Word ***
They dedicated their lives to Jehovah and in 1969 alone 120,905 persons were baptized and became Jehovah's Christian witnesses.
*** w71 1/1 24 Have You Entered the Great Contest of Faith? ***
There were 164,193 persons who left their former religious affiliation, changed their way of living, and took their stand on Jehovah's side, dedicating their lives to the doing of Jehovah's will.
*** yb72 42-3 1972 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses ***
Outstanding during the service year was the number of persons baptized. The grand total for the 207 lands came to 149,808. That means, in just the past three years, 1969, 1970 and 1971, a total of 434,906 persons have presented themselves for baptism, having dedicated their lives to Jehovah God.
*** w73 1/1 23 Great Worldwide Witness in 1972! ***
If you were, then you probably shared in helping some of the 163,123 lovers of righteousness who dedicated their lives to do Jehovah's will and who were baptized during the past twelve months.
*** w74 1/1 26 "Faith Divorced from Deeds Is Lifeless as a Corpse" ***
There were 193,990 individuals who became disciples, dedicating their lives to do the will of God and symbolizing this by water baptism.
*** w75 1/1 23 Appreciating the Things of God ***
So it was that during the service year of 1974 Jehovah's witnesses had the joy of seeing 297,872 individuals progress in their appreciation of Bible truth to the point that they got baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah God.
*** w76 1/1 19 "Keep the Upright One in Sight" ***
Can you imagine 295,073 people dedicating their lives to Jehovah during the past year and arranging their affairs to preach the good news of the Kingdom by going from house to house and conducting Bible studies with people that they have never met before?
So within a short period, the whole landscape had changed for the WTS. It no longer was in the doldrums but had an immense, motivated workforce who still maintained a degree of the momentum after 1975. However as time has progressed, the workforce is grinding to a halt.
What it needs now is a new date or a charismatic leader. The likelihood of either is nil.
How does it feel being brought into this under false pretences? It is sad to look back on those that were hopelessly misled. Note the comment by a conventioneer when the 'Book' in question was released. I wonder where he/she is now.
*** w66 10/15 628-9 Rejoicing over "God's Sons of Liberty" Spiritual Feast ***
It did not take the brothers very long to find the chart beginning on page 31, showing that 6,000 years of man's existence end in 1975. Discussion of 1975 overshadowed about everything else. "The new book compels us to realize that Armageddon is, in fact, very close indeed," said a conventioner. Surely it was one of the outstanding blessings to be carried home!
Hey WTS, that book was not a blessing. If we were talking of a consumer product or service, we would have a legal remedy for the outright failure. We could sue for all direct and consequential losses. Why is the failure of WTS promises and predictions any different? And why not the WTS benefited immensely during this period by way of increased contributions from those many misled. Although to some extent the WTS tried to distance itself from the 1975 stuff, it quietly had some satisfaction at its now enhanced status. However he that 'laughs last laughs longest' and I would fully expect to see that happen, difference being the laugh will be on the WTS this time, as it struggles to keep its many erroneous 'plates spinning'. The plates are crashing around us all the time.