I remember a popular idea that often surfaced in informal discussions among the JWs in my congregation, especially back in the 70ies:
(This was in Norway, and please remind that the Evangelical-Lutheran church is a national church and that ca 95% of population are members.)
"The priests know that we have the truth!"
Let me explain: Long time JWs really and sincerely believed that the clergy, the priests of the national church, really knew for sure that JW posessed "the truth", but would never admit it. So, this was kind of a conspiracy theory. These JWs believed that the priests had studied the Bible thoroughly, and definitely must have had come to the same conclusions as themselves.
Personally, I could never second that idea, but I dared not to argue with mature brothers and sisters, far older than myself.
I can not recall that The Watchtower magazine ever said something like this, so I believe it was more an unofficial belief.
Can any of you shed light on this?