Thought I was home free. These people have seen hide nor hair of me in at least four years and now they decide to come looking for me??? Must be the CO's visit because I didn't recognize the one "brother". I looked out the window, didn't answer, think they saw me, don't care. They were not working the neighborhood because they got in a van and drove away. I am really suprised at how angry this makes me. After all this time you would think that they would just mind their own business!
JW's just at my door
by jaded 7 Replies latest jw friends
i know what'll make 'em NEVER come back.
Start it out like it'll be an "experience" for them....
Next time, ANSWER THE DOOR. Don't allow them to make you a prisoner in your own home.Say, "Oh, wow, what a coincidence! I was just praying this morning that I could be shown the true help me find the road that leads to eternal happiness. Then afterwards, I was having coffee with Satan in my living room, and he TOLD me you guys would be here today!"
hahahahaha!!!! they'd probably drop their briefcases in their haste to get the HELL OUTTA THERE!
Hiding isn't going to do anything for you. Just tell them you don't wish to be called on anymore.
Maybe next time you can ask them Bill Bowen's five questions.
Chip Salzenberg: Free-Floating Agent of Chaos -
Why not have a list of the lies they have told & reel them off one at a time I did.
joining U.N
The Pyrimids is the next best Gift to the Bible.
Folks not allowed to have organ transplants -dying from it.
( Now Jah says it is O.K.)Etc Etc Etc, -
Thanks for the replies. Probably should just tell them that I don't wish to be called on anymore. I'm not DA'd or DF'd, just faded. After I posted this I remembered that my daughter told me that someone she knew from the KH when we used to go was calling on her at work. Wonder if they showed up there? She was just being polite to them but after watching Dateline she said she was going to tell them they were in a cult. Hopefully she will have more guts than I did. They really have no business calling on anyone at work.
Unlike the others, I think you did the right thing to hide. What's the point in talking to them? They came looking for us after 2 yrs and disfed us for slipping away. It's unpleasant. If they do catch you in the garden or by the telephone, tell them you've been thinking of coming back to the meetings. Just keep saying it every time you see them but never show (obviously). They will get over bothering you eventually. Honestly, you'd think they had nothing better to do!
Say, "Oh, wow, what a coincidence! I was just praying this morning that I could be shown the true help me find the road that leads to eternal happiness. Then afterwards, I was having coffee with Satan in my living room, and he TOLD me you guys would be here today!"
.......................................Nah, make it plainer to them...
I was just praying, asking god to expose all the false prophets in the world to me so I know who NOT to listen to.
I didn't even finish the prayer, and you rang my door bell.. I guess you're #1 on his list... And, by the fact that god answered my prayer so quickly, I guess he likes me... Glad I left when I did..!!! There's still time for you, too.. God loves everybody, and doesn't want to have to kill you.. Leave NOW!!!