“What, though, if a young son in the family is a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah God?... if the father is absent, then the mother should wear a head covering if she conducts a Bible study with the young baptized son and the other children. Whether she calls on the baptized son to pray at such a study or at mealtime is left to her discretion. She may feel the he is not yet sufficiently capable and may choose to offer prayer herself.”
This sort of teaching goes beyond absurd. The subject son is sufficiently CAPABLE of making a LIFELONG dedication to Jehovah in PRAYER, but he might be thought insufficiently capable to pray over a MEAL?!
Too bizarre!
How was it the mother or father ever deemed this subject son CAPABLE of making a PRAYERFUL dedication in the FIRST PLACE! For God’s sake, they think he “is not yet sufficiently capable” to offer a simple mealtime prayer!
Thanks for that "insight on the Watchtower" Marvin. That's very perspicacious of you . I'll have to keep track of that. I'm reading Clan of the Cave Bear, about the Neandrathals and that's the 1st thing i thought of when i read your post. Cave men attitudes that the son would be above the mother so that she'd have to wear a head covering.
I'm embarrassed that I was ever part of such a ridiculous group
This was such a convoluted article. If you find yourself in situation A, proceed to step B. However, if C is present..... I can't help but think the Pharisees (sp?) would have loved this article.
I recall a meeting for service when I was 6 or 7 years old. I was the only "brother" present. The poor sister who was chosen to lead the group was stopped by another who said she wasn't sure, but just to be safe the sister should probably wear a headcovering. No one had a hat, so a kleenex had to do. Ridiculous!
Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money. - Mark Twain
Thanks for revealing to me that the current mags are still presenting the same dribble. My 14 year old son is the only member of the family still getting magazines by subscription. I'm counting on you and others to keep me up with this life saving "bizzare" spiritual food.
A long long time ago (shuddering @ the 19 years) I attended Pioneer School. Three was an entire chapter dedicated to women's role in the congregation.
On the positive side much was discussed praising the role sisters play in the hall and according due respect. However that was soon forgotten when the subject of head covering arose.
I am fairly positive the revised Pioneer (Shining as Illuminators in the World) Textbook still covers this information.
The whole subject is Pharisitically ridiculous. WOmen can teach door to door. Mothers are to be treated with honor. Forcing them to wear Kleenix, tea towels or a friggin toque does not accord them such honor.
Just yet another control tactic by the Publishing Company..oops I mean Committee. snickering.