I'm glad to see open frank discussion on the subject of violence within - or caused
by the organization.
First, I don't understand why failure to appear before a judicial committee and being da'd
is seen as a recent provocation. Failure to appear has always been a df'ing in absentia
offense - while contemptable, I don't see this as new.
Secondly, incidents of violence triggered by the organization are rare but not unknown.
In some congregations (like Ireland) brothers settled disputes with fists outside the Kingdom Hall.
It's really amazing how little violence has erupted, when you consider the damage the
Watchtower has done to some people. Witnesses are chosen and trained to be passive
and focus their negative impulses inwardly, often resulting in depression and sometimes,
That may change, however, just as surely as oppressed minorities 'awaken' and overthrow
their oppressors - after decades or even centuries of tyranny. Exposing and publicizing
successful opposition to the Watchtower can change things - "Wow! You mean you can do
that and not get struck by lightening?" - you understand!
Lee's point about widespread mental illness in the organization is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!
The Society SHOULD be worried about all the loose nuts they have and the potential
for violence they may cause. I recall an incident from many years ago where a df'd
kook wanted to blow up a Kingdom Hall in upstate NY - YES, it does happen!
If I were them, I would worry about disruptions caused by mentally unbalanced Witnesses
who are driven over the edge by being disfellowshipped - such treatment is cruel - and
very dangerous. Don't think that violence against the organization would automatically be
beneficially seen as 'persecution'. Elders who get attacked for cruelty in such a case
might send a message far and wide to stop such provocations of hurting, sick individuals.
Thirdly, as to provocations, I am surprized you all have missed the MOTHER OF ALL
possible provocations coming! The Society desperately NEEDS TO WEASEL AWAY
FROM THE BLOOD TRANSFUSION ISSUE! This one is the motherlode, guys! Imagine
the sheer COWARDICE that guides them down this road - the issue is quietly released
thru ambigious Questions From Readers, semi-private phone calls, and hints from
discarded new blood cards - while the 'bleed to death" standard prevails. I still see no
appearance of this fraudulent doctrine in their new book for baptism ,"Serve the Only
True God".
Finally, as to history, I recall the greatest open example of What The Society Would Like
to Do - violently. In Rutherford's day, brothers were supplied with steel tipped canes at
Madison Square Garden and used them to beat Catholic disrupters. I think if you'll check
the Olin Moyle letter, I think you'll see a reference to this incident - Rutherford called some brothers
"pussies' or something for objecting to the melee. The police confiscated the canes.
In summary, the Society needs to do a lot of thinking about disfellowshipping as a provocation
to unnecessary violence from unbalanced Witnesses - now , before things get any worse.
I write this missive to PREVENT VIOLENCE - not to encourage it.