Watchtower insists that the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks are another sign that we are in teh last days. They never shut up about that aspect about it.
never mind that 6 million people died in Germany 30 something years ago, and we haven't had a world war in almost sixty years, and countries are laying down arms all over the place, Vietnam has reunions every year where soldiers from both sides meet and hug and go over old times togeher, American and German and Japanese as well.
People live a better life, on the whole, than at any time in human histroy. they certainly have a better CHANCE for life than at any time ever before.
Watchtower, in typical apocalyptic fashion, would rather dwell on the 18 CRIMINALS practicing religious intolerance (just like watchtower, hmm) than the tens of thousands of people ALL AROUND THE WORLD who SPRANG forward to help.
The human race is growing up, maturing; and WATCHTOWER CAN'T STAND IT.
Well, that's just too da*n bad.
I should clarify: by Watchtower I reallymean teh brothers giving talks. I really don't think the literature mentions it much, and none of teh letters read to us or hanging on the board ever mention it; so it must just be some individual thing.
Edited by - dungbeetle on 11 June 2002 4:48:49