Hello E-man
i think we are almost the same age, and I hade as you grow upp inn the truth, but my fader who was PO have his one firm and i take over it when i ended school.
I never was like this almost fanatical boys as always say you can not by a new car now,it is so closed to end,i told them i dont care when the end is here,the most important thing is that we love our lord and try to bee lovley and showing it to others,always have your dor open for all peopel in the cong for exampel.
I have been a doing my 8-12 ours inn service and enjoj it, and i can not say that CO for exampel complainig on me. I was in as 17 yer old boss for some kitchen work on assambleys, smaler and bigger.
So it is intresting to compare our life, and see the diffrens and what is the same.
i wish you realy good times inn you life, and ofcourse England and Swenen still inn on wensday evning.