So I had a discussion with my JW father . I was pointing out the fact that we were taught that only those who follow the Watchtower would survive the end. He told me that there is now a small period of time at the end that those who were not JW could be 'pardoned'. He quoted a scripture from Matthew, maybe chapter 13 but I dont remember exactly. I asked if this was in a Watchtower and he said yes but I was unaware of any change in this matter, though I would not be surprised. ?????
New Light on Armaggedon?
by tdogg 4 Replies latest jw friends
I know of a prominent elder in Southern California (former circut overseer and current district assembly speaker) who has privately speculated that right before the end all the unbelieving family members of JW's will be swept into the organization in a last minute salvation binge right before the grand and glorious destruction that we all so fervently hope for.
Yeah right.
Nathan Natas
If there's now an official alternative acceptable-to-Jah "easy" way to salvation, get out of the way of the approaching stampede! Given the JW way to salvation by selling magazines and going to boring meetings (no accordion music? Come on!!) with rules out both the ying AND the yang (and don't rub your ying on your yang fer christsakes!), versus a new improved "easy way" of (insert whatever else works here) why would any Dub with half a brain want to stick with the WTS program?
Oops! Answered my own question!
I know why the dub would stick with it...don't you know it's all about how many magazines you place, how many hours you put in, if you were a regular pioneer, or just an auxilary a few times? It's all about self-righteousness. These will have to take it upon themselves to save the damned.
Don't you guys know...
Armageddon has been postponed due to technical (aka: public relations) difficulties currently being experienced. We will return with Armageddon prophecies once the problems have been resolved. Thank you and please stay tuned...............