When Doves Cry - Lyric Symbolism

by MrMoe 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • MrMoe

    One of my favorite songs is When Doves Cry by Prince. Heard it on the radio today, so I wanted to share it with you all.

    It is my opinion that some of the more talented music artists write far more than snazzy lyrics, the songs are packed with symbolism. Take example this song. Doves, vilots in bloom, more than fancy words - or at least I think so...

    I also thought it would be nice to share a few facts with you in regards to the symbolism of doves. You can take the following notes as basic history facts or for those of you like me- spiritual beliefs.

    Native Americans - the Dove is a Spirit Guide or Totem Animal symbolizing a deeply rooted peace. It can also signify birth/rebirth and renewal (even a metaphorical rebirth of personal spirit/will,) and creation. Also it is thought to be that the dead take on the form of a dove immediately after their transition from flesh to spirit. The feathers of doves are often used with prayer sticks.

    Greek history - the dove is associated with such Aphrodite and Astarte as a symbol of sexual passion.

    The Pleiades - the Seven Sisters in the night sky, were known in Greece as "a flock of doves," or otherwise the daughters of Aphrodite.

    India - the dove is a symbol of lust and desire.

    Another tidbit - it is a dove that made the ambrosia from the Goddesses that kept Zeus immortal.

    Gnostic Christianity - Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom (representing the female soul of God,) descended upon her chosen human vessels in the form of a dove.

    Ok, also, violets in bloom are mentioned:

    Violet Symbolism: returning love, faithfulness, modesty, simplicity, virtue

    Anyhow, hope you all enjoyed the little facts. There is ALWAYS more than meets the eye, even in a song...

    When Doves Cry

    Dig if u will the picture

    Of u and I engaged in a kiss

    The sweat of your body covers me

    Can u my darling

    Can u picture this?

    Dream if u can a courtyard

    An ocean of violets in bloom

    Animals strike curious poses

    They feel the heat

    The heat between me and u

    How can u just leave me standing?

    Alone in a world that's so cold?

    Maybe I'm just 2 demanding

    Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold

    Maybe you're just like my mother

    She's never satisfied

    Why do we scream at each other

    This is what it sounds like

    When doves cry

    Touch if u will my stomach

    Feel how it trembles inside

    You've got the butterflies all tied up

    Don't make me chase u

    Even doves have pride

    How can u just leave me standing?

    Alone in a world so cold?

    Maybe I'm just 2 demanding

    Maybe I'm just like my father 2 bold

    Maybe you're just like my mother

    She's never satisfied

    Why do we scream at each other

    This is what it sounds like

    When doves cry

    When doves cry

    Don't Cry

    When doves cry

  • Matty

    Thank you MrMoe! I must admit that before your brilliant post the only part of this song that stuck out to me is the bit that goes Maybe you're just like my mother, She's never satisfied, that was really for obvious reasons!!!

    Those lyrics are shouting out for something arent they? Other lyrics like you turn on the telly and every other story, is telling you somebody died, sister killed her baby cause she could afford to feed it, and we're sending people to the moon, are crying out about the unfairness in the world. You can understand why he was attracted to the Jws really can't you?

    Edited by - matty on 10 June 2002 16:1:30

  • MrMoe

    Matty - good points. Poor Prince. I think he is a deeply emotional person and more than a little wierd, perfect JW bait. Sad, another wasted mind...


  • Matty

    It's tragic how such a creative person's career can go down the tube.

    deeply emotional person and more than a little weird, I think that sums me up too, but I was born in the troof, didnt have any choice in the matter! I think a lot of people are looking for something, including me, but haven't found it yet! Prince thinks he's found it, but one day he'll realise that the Jehovah's Witness religion just aint the it he thought!

    Edited by - matty on 10 June 2002 16:44:33

  • Gopher

    This was the #1 song on the American charts in the year 1984. It must have struck a deep chord in a lot of listeners.

    Prince, for all his weirdness, is forgiven because of his outstanding musical talents and the fact that his music means (or meant) a lot to many people.

    I have this habit of looking past the performer and concentrating on the music. The message means more than the messenger.

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