A Brotherhood - Or Nothing

by metatron 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I was watching NBC news yesterday - they had a story about a toddler

    who was born profoundly deaf. He is the youngest child operated on to

    receive a cochlear implant. He now can hear his name and is working on the

    word "mama". In a previous generation, he would have gone thru an entire

    lifetime never hearing a single sound - but times are changing.

    Things like these are happening and will accelerate. The Watchtower can

    continue to preach 'pie-in-the-sky' to as many future generations as it wishes

    but it isn't going to find much of an audience in a world where the deaf hear,

    the blind see and the lame can walk because its empty promises have

    been fufilled by others.

    Now is the time for them to convert the organization into a REAL

    brotherhood of compassion and kindness as such qualities NEVER

    become obsolete. They could start by having a regular,official communal meal

    like early Christians - and discard the Service Meeting entirely.

    The Watchtower's future is brotherhood - or no future at all.


  • SpiceItUp

    Just wait until the DNA code is completely cracked. Lets see how much further they get after that.

    Hmmmm...the brilllant construction of the body is so intricate it would take how long for "man" to find out. Well that time is now.

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