After I had the big one, I moved quickly into medical books to determine what furute treatment would be my choice for dealing with my 'heart condition.' There are four methods of treatment, of which I have chosen methods 3 and 4 below:
1. Coronary By-Pass: This is currently very accepted, and may be needed, but I am holding off for now. The idea of someone cracking my sternum open and lifting out my heart to splice leg arteries into it seems difficult and radical without at least exploring other options.
2. Chelation with EDTA: At first, I read a 300+ page book on this and felt impressed with the science ... at least the prima facia claims appeared impressive. EDTA stands for the chemical term EtheleneDiamineTetraAcetate. It is supposed to bond with the calcium in the plaque and flush out the arteries.
I checked the critical science, and learned that EDTA also screws up bone calcium, as well as chelating with other im portant minerals in the body. Also, it cannot effectively reach the LDL plaque in the arteries because these are protected by a membrane that is not porous enough for the EDAT to reach. The testimonial claims of patients is most likely a result of the placebo effect. Also, the proper scientific protocols have never been employed by supporters, and those used by critiqics have shown by evidence that EDTA Chelation does not really work. There are other serious concerns, but that is enough.
3. Diet and Exercise: All medical professionals accept this approach as either one way or in combination with other treatments, such as medication and by-pass surgery. Oatmeal, Olive Oil, and Nuts raise HDL which helps clean out LDL because it can penetrate the arterial membranes. Low fat, no cholsterol diets keep new plaque from building. Low sodium keeps hydro-pressure off of the heart, and exercise builds the good part of the hart muscle, and reduces blood pressure, and increases oxygen supply through the blood ... all reducing heart disease. I am already using this method ... having lost 22 lbs ... and feeling better.
4. Radiation: This method was unknown to me until yesterday, when the newspaper had a two full page article on how it is used. Simply put, angio-plasti is first employed to open the artery. Then using the same method through the Femural artery, a probe containing a radioactive source (likely CoBalt 60) is placed into the area where the angio-plasti was done, and the artery is permantly sealed against future plaque build-up ... that point of disease in the artery is forever cured.
This does not mean that other points of the artery cannot get disease, but at least the bad spot is cured, and with proper diet and exercise ... avoiding pizza, not smoking, staying away from bacon-chessburgers with whipped cream and cherry on top plus good exercise will help prevent future problems.
The science looks good so far ... so my next step is to visit the doctors at Loyola University where the radiation therapy is done and see what it costs ... I know I already qualify ... but the cost is the only factor.
Anyway, this is not the hotest topic in the JWD world ... but I thought posting it might help some who also have heart issues. Feel free to email me if you like.
Raidation is safe: The CoBalt element only outputs an energy field, mostly gamma. If they do not use CoBalt, then whatever they use as a source is just energy that seals the artery wall ... like cauterizing blood vessels. Once the radiation source is removed, then there is no more radiation remaining ... so I am not worried about its use as I would be were they to use particle radiation.
Edited by - Amazing on 11 June 2002 11:32:59
Edited by - Amazing on 11 June 2002 11:35:57