Been lurking too long

by CoolBreeze 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • CoolBreeze

    Hello All,
    I must admit I've been lurking on this and other boards for about two years. One of my favorites used to witnet until they closed their site. I'm not a JW, but about three years ago I had a JW roomate and because I was going through some tough personal issues I agreed to a book study in our apartment. After a few months of this I started attending the local Kingdom Hall on Sundays. I knew very little about the bible and looked forward to my weekly book studies and Sunday meetings. About six months after I started studying I was given a list of WT contradictions and failed prophesies(sp?) by an ex-JW at work. At the bottom of the list was the name of a book he thought I should read. The book was Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. I brought out the list my friend had given me and asked my roomate and the visting elder about them at our next book study. They looked at me like I had just farted in a quiet library. First they told me that along my path toward the TRUTH satan would try to stumble me by occupying my mind with such triviaities(sp?). Then they gave me the New Light speech and told me to stop going down this dangerous path. Needless to say all this did was to make me curious about waht this dangerous path was all about. The next thing I did was to borrow Crisis of Conscience from the friend who had given me the list. Over the next few book studies I kept asking "dangerous" questions. My roomate told me that not only was I risking my destruction at the big A, but I was throwing away the "Spesial" gift from Jehovah that I had revieved by having an elder conduct my study. Finaly about a monthe after I started asking these dangerous questions the elder came to call on me one evening while my roomate was out. He told me that my study was not progressing because I did not show the proper humility, and that I was not coming to to Jehovah with an open heart. I reminded him that he was the the one who told me that I should examine the the words of men atributed to Ja. He replied that I was being rebelious and he was not going to waste his time with me.
    The book studies ended, and my roomate moved out a week later (leaving me holding the bag for the rent). I have not been to KH since. I have been researching the WTS ever since, and the internet has been a wonderful tool. Seeing that some of the posters here were those who's posts I had realy enjoyed over at witnet convinced me to subscribe to this board.


  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome. Thank you for sharing your story, it's interesting to have someone here that was on the edge, so to speak.

    Feel free to post your feelings, questions, anything you want. There is a very nice mix of people here, and not quite as crowded as witnet sometimes got, lol!

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome CoolBreeze. Just one caveat here....your name is very close to my Witnet name of CoolWater. Just make sure that all your posts exhibit great intelligence and humor....that way you can carry on the banner of "Cool".

    I must congratulate you on your timely escape from the clutches of "Mother".

  • CoolBreeze

    Hey red,
    I will do my best to uphold the Cool reputation. Actualy CoolBreeze was my on-air name wha I was a DJ about 15 years ago in Bakersfield CA. Ty tag line used to be "I'm coming to you like a CoolBreeze on a hot summer night with the sound of smooth jazz to soothe your soul."
    Pretty Cheezy huh?


  • waiting

    Hey cool,

    Pretty cheesy. But Red's used to that with me around here.

    Nice to meet you.


  • larc

    Hey Cool,

    I did not think that was cheezy at all. In fact, I thought it was ... well ...kinda cool!

  • Thirdson


    Welcome to the board and thanks for sharing your story. You were wise enough to see that JW's are hypocritical and controlling. While urging you to examine religion that don't want you examining theirs. It's take it without question or don't come in.

    You became their worst nightmare. By sharing you story you are helping others avoid their own nightmare.


    (2nd Generation JW -- retired)

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

    Edited by - Thirdson on 2 March 2001 1:26:29

  • CoolBreeze

    Thanks Thirdson,

    I'm glad I found a forum where I could get some of this stuff off my chest.

    After reading some of the stories of folks who have been DF or DA'd I feel very fortunate, because had I gone on and gotten baptised I'm sure that would been my fate as well. At least none of my family is in the WT so shunning was not a big issue. At the local cong the baptised folks don't realy bother warming up to folk until they get close to baptim. From what I understand a very low percentage of people who study actualy go on to be baptised so there is a prety big turnover in the peolpe who walk through the doors of the local KH from year to year. I believe that this is due to the fact that I live in a college town with a high rate of computer ownership and internet usage. I think curious ones come to the WT just to check things out, then turn to the internet for futher research. When they discover the truth behind the love bombing they walk away.
    I'm sure my story is not unique araound here, except most of the folk who have similar story tend to be mutch younger.
    Once again thanks for the warm welcome.


  • thinker

    Hi Coolbreeze,
    Nice to meet a fellow "researcher". Glad to hear you used your head and avoided the trap.
    I started my research when I met my wife (inactive JW) last year. The shunning thing really got me started.
    Looking forward to your posts.


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