Thank you for responding to my post. To answer your question about whether or not my experience as related really happened that way:
Yes, it did, or I would not have said it. You were a very dedicated and serious "Conductor", and obviously were sensitive and knew how to do the task correctly. I can't say that about all the brothers who had such positions. If a brother had an "attitude" about you, then he already had preconceived ideas about you and how he would deal with you.
Although the women usually outnumber the men in congregations, the women are generally regarded in a much, much lower capacity. They must continually submit to the head of the house, the head of the congregation. I often wonder how situations would have worked out, had sisters been allowed more of an input, especially in the df' hearings. But mainstream religions give little authority to women. What they have managed to gain over the years shows some improvement, BUT NOT IN THE JW Org. They are still where they've always been--at the bottom.
Since I was already a very inquisitive and questioning individual, I just didn't like to accept things on face value. I needed some deffinite proof--not just words. They said I lacked faith, well maybe I did. They knew this about me and so really tried to avoid having me express myself in any kind of open forum. This was during the last couple of years that I attended meetings. They had already labeled me.
The incident related involved the PUBLIC Sunday WT study, and so, they were very careful when calling on baptised sisters, that the information related was word for word, or, rather, that nothing at all was "added" to the information. I am by nature an expressive person, and so in giving expression, always liked to put things into my own words and then express a personal extra.
Like many others, you took your work seriously. You were like many, who really endeavored to be loving and kind in ways that mattered. You were no doubt young at the time.
Hope to Hear from you again,