by blondie 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    For those who attended the Sunday session of the district convention, did you notice that the UN was not mentioned in the big buildup to the destruction of Bablyon the Great in the public talk. Only political elements or the governments were mentioned but not a word of the image of the wild beast, the United Nations. (Dateline was only alluded to as well.)

    Unlike previous WT articles:

    *** w96 6/1 18 Flight to Safety Before the "Great Tribulation" ***

    At Revelation 17:16, it is foretold that a figurative scarlet-colored wild beast, which has proved to be the United Nations, will turn on harlotlike Babylon the Great and violently destroy her. Using graphic language, it says: "The ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire." What this will mean is awesome to contemplate. It will result in the end of false religion of every kind in all parts of the earth. This will indeed show that the great tribulation has begun.

    *** w93 11/1 22 The Final Victory of Michael, the Great Prince ***

    17 The destruction of Babylon the Great is graphically described in the book of Revelation: "The ten horns that you saw [the kings ruling in the time of the end], and the wild beast [the scarlet-colored wild beast, representing the United Nations organization], these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire." (Revelation 17:16)

    *** Revelation Climax page 258 35 Executing Babylon the Great ***

    21 Yes, the nations will use the scarlet-colored wild beast, the United Nations, in destroying Babylon the Great. They do not act on their own initiative, for Jehovah puts it into their hearts "even to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast." When the time comes, the nations will evidently see the need to strengthen the United Nations. They will give it teeth, as it were, lending it whatever authority and power they possess so that it can turn upon false religion and fight successfully against her "until the words of God will have been accomplished." Thus, the ancient harlot will come to her complete end. And good riddance to her!

    Edited by - Blondie on 11 June 2002 15:16:26

  • blondie

    Dungbeetle, they merely alluded to a large network media outlet that had been misled with misinformation and lies from apostates. ("Dateline" was never said or anything about the specific lies.)

    A 10-year old was baptized with the admonition that Mom and Dad would still have to be involved daily in the upbringing of this boy. I wonder if he will be able to give the prayer at dinner when Dad is gone? Oh, that's another question from the readers.

    The speaker also tried to make it some new information about the cry of peace and security but merely quoted from a 1997 WT about a 1986 statement and finally admitted that everyone would have to wait and see if the cry has already been given or will be given in the future.

    *** w97 6/1 10 Jehovah-A God Who Reveals Secrets ***

    10 Particularly since 1986, when an International Year of Peace was declared by the United Nations, the world has been full of talk about peace and security. Definite steps have been taken in an effort to secure world peace, apparently with a measure of success. Is this the entire fulfillment of this prophecy, or can we expect a future startling announcement of some sort? Jehovah will clarify that matter in his due time. Meanwhile, let us stay spiritually awake, "awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah." (2 Peter 3:12) As time continues to pass with still more talk of peace and security, some individuals who know of this warning, but who choose to ignore it, may become more defiant in assuming that Jehovah will not, or cannot, fulfill his word. (Compare Ecclesiastes 8:11-13; 2 Peter 3:3, 4.) But true Christians know that Jehovah will carry out his purpose!

    (*** w86 1/1 25-6 Building for an Eternal Future ***

    18 But why, someone may ask, are there so many expansion projects when we stand face-to-face with Armageddon? The answer is that Jehovahs organization does not close up shop with the approach of Armageddon. That is closing time only for Satans organization. Jehovahs organization is building for an eternal future. Whether or not man-made structures weather the storm of Armageddon, we know that Gods organization will survive as a going concern and that Jehovah will use it and those who loyally support it, establishing eternal peace and security in the glorious earthly Paradise of Gods promise.Revelation 7:9, 14-17; 21:1, 4, 5.)

    ***I have to look at my notes but it was very vague about Dateline. The word "Dateline"was never mentioned and nothing about pedophilia in any of the talks for all 3 days. Apostates and apostasy was mentioned some but except for the public talk, I think that was already planned for. I'm sure they realize that the more they talk about it, the more the R&F will ask questions. Such a gossipy, nasty group JWs are.

    Edited by - Blondie on 11 June 2002 15:43:19

  • SpiderMonkey
    finally admitted that everyone would have to wait and see if the cry has already been given or will be given in the future.

    no, they would *never* say whether the "cry" has been given or not, because they *could* have said so when Bush Sr. said "new world order," and they *could* have said so when the UN declared a year of int'l peace, and in retrospect, they know they'd have been wrong. and, in retrospect, they're a wee bit more cautious to add *tons* of disclaimers to any discussion of such things, SINCE 1975. can't have those baptisms & field service hours declining again; nope, that's just bad business. those that really believe in the WTS will wait until *they* declare it, to believe it's been declared... and if any of those running the show really do believe their own muck, they're waiting until after the "destruction of false religion," or some other really obvious sign, to say "yep, see, it was declared on xx/xx/xx." they'll never state anything definite on this subject, unless they suddenly decide to implode in some spectacular fashion, a la Heaven's Gate... expecting, as they do, to continue as an org forever, they won't *deliberately* damage their chances again.


  • one

    They are afraid of getting involve directly in politics, as they used to.

    No names please.

    They could feel the 911 heat, aproaching 1000 degrees.

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