Hello Sleepy
Celtic Mark here deep down sw of westcountry.
I'm sure that the damage inflicted on those ones brought up in the trooth is perhaps greater than those who did not experience being brought up in it.
We were not allowed to question anything. It was always expected of us to just follow orders from either parents or members of the congregation. Adult brothers and sisters, unaware of their own shortcomings would often blame these kids as an excuse against their own inadequate system, in other words, it must have made them feel more spiritual by off loading their own blame onto the next available target, an avenue by which they might justify their own position.
I call this spiritual raping. Unable to make any imformed choices for ourselves, what should have been a perfected upbringing, turned into a hellish day and living nightmare. For those not brought up in the trooth, I think many of you cannot understand or have true empathy for the feelings that we went through.
To teach a young child all the crafty ways of satan with such frightening pictures in all the books, telling us that if we did not do as we were told, our lives would be lost at Armegeddon, I believe belongs to the realms of the criminally insane. Is it normal I ask them now, for a 14 year old to repeatedly smash his head into brick walls in a fruitless attempt to commit suicide, to block out the internal anguish within?
Isn't a God supposed to be about love and the next quality - joy? What happened to these positive attributes in the congregation? Why the hell does a child of 4 or 5 need to know about sacrificial sacrifice and children being passed through the fire? Why did I know what beastiality was at that age? Would this model in todays modern world, anywhere outside of the Witnesses be considered a fine outstanding model?
The facts upon this site speak for themselves.
Reprogramming? Yes, it is possible. But to face your demons, takes enormous courage and the experience of a qualified therapist. I went the whole hog, 5 psychologists in total for a period in excess of 12 months when it all came pouring out. Pleased to say, that as of earlier this year, from the medical profession, I was given the all clear, no signs of any imbalance and/or depression remaining. Hard work, ruthless honesty, but ruddy well worth it.
Peace to everyone attempting this. I can offer you whatever support you feel is needed.
'Celtic' Mark
Edited for 2 spelling errors
Edited by - invisible on 12 June 2002 15:3:29