check all your files on your computer. i just found two files called "aaw.exe" on my computer, which apparently found their way onto mine on june 9th. anyway, they were promptly deleted. i never downlaod anything except to my desktop, and these were in a rather innocuous folder in my computer. strange stuff has been happening since i started posting on this board. i just ran a virus scan two days ago, but will run one as soon as i get off this board this morning. so it seems that some jw has an IP sniffer and is targeting people at random.
so to the little 'perp', i have this to say: hey, wouldn't your time be better spent studying your watchtower or awake magazines?! or is this part of your 'theocratic war strategy'. my sister who's an 'active' jw, told me that you guys DO actually lie to us worldly people, 'to protect jehovah's good name', of course. you people do nothing but bring shame upon the name of your so-called god.
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| \__/\__/ |-----| Look. Look how much I care. Look.
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