The Onion

by teenyuck 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    Apparently, some on this board do not realize that The Onion is a satirical look at today's current events....they are not alone. The Chinese don't get it either.

    Chinese newspaper admits U.S. Capitol gaffe Thursday, June 13, 2002 Henry Chu Los Angeles Times

    BEIJING -- After initially refusing to run a retraction, this city's most popular newspaper has apologized to readers for an erroneous report that U.S. lawmakers were threatening to pull out of Washington unless a fancy new Capitol was built.

    The state-run Beijing Evening News admitted in its Tuesday edition that it had been snookered by a story published in The Onion, the U.S. publication known for its spoofs of current events. The Onion reported last month that members of Congress were pressing for construction of a new Capitol, with a retractable dome and luxury boxes, in order "to stay competitive.''

    Last week, the Beijing Evening News rehashed the item as a real news story without citing its source.

    But after "our reporter in Washington checked out (the story), he discovered that some of its contents were identical to The Onion's joke article,'' the newspaper reported Tuesday.

    It added that the quotes in the story were fake, such as an alleged remark by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., that the Capitol was past its prime.

    "The U.S. Capitol has 200 years of history and is a precious part of America's cultural heritage,'' the Evening News quoted unnamed congressional staffers as saying. "It's impossible that it should be torn down on a whim.''

    Besides acknowledging its lapse in judgment, however, the paper criticized The Onion, apparently still not fully aware of the publication's mission as a purveyor of satire.

    "Some small American newspapers frequently fabricate offbeat news to trick people into noticing them, with the aim of making money,'' the paper said. "This is what The Onion does.''

    It cited a recent Onion article about the U.S. government issuing life jackets to all Americans for some unexplained reason.

    "According to congressional workers, The Onion is a publication that never ceases making up false reports,'' the Evening News said.

    At first, Yu Bin, Evening News international news editor, ruled out a correction and challenged a Los Angeles Times reporter to prove that the story was false.

    But the mea culpa on Tuesday conceded that a lack of vigilance had resulted in the publication of "factual inconsistencies.'' "We are open to our readers' criticism, and we apologize,'' the newspaper said.

  • joeshmoe


    (pause to catch breath)


    (gasping for air)

    Thanks...Puffsrule...and thank god for the Onion!!

    P.S. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

  • ISP

    I guess this type of humour is unknown in China!


  • RunningMan

    It appears that this Chinese newspaper has the same ability to discern reality as the governing body.

  • 2SYN

    Oh man, that specific article about the life jackets was hilarious!

  • Xander

    Tis kinda high on the 'funnAy' meter. I think I like the fundies using TheOnion as a source for valid Harry Potter info better, though. That was just a riot.

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