Hello everyone,
Many of us are aware of the terminology
used by the WBTS Inc. when trying to
justify the ' changes'. As a reminder
I'll give some of these pearls:
*** errors in the past ;
***misinterpretations ;
***misunderstandings ;
***premature expectations ;
***mistakes in their understanding ;
***matters on which corrections of viewpoint have been needed ;
***unrealized hopes ;
***Jehovah...gives us further clarification of truth ;
***misplaced expectations ;
***inaccurate concepts ;
***a clearer understanding ;
***views in need of refinement,
***serious disappointments ;
***look again with deeper understanding ;
***formerly cherished views ;
***a more precise viewpoint ;
***updated explanations ;
*** it was thought that;
****as it was then understood;
***further research has revealed;
***Some Bible Students believed;
***held in esteem for some decades ;
***what false idea ;
***in times past it had been said;
***a new explanation of a scripture;
I'm sure that there are many more.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp