Abraham's wife Sarah a hotty at 65!

by dmouse 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dmouse

    It must be that they were nearer to perfection in those days!

    It can clearly be established that Abraham was ten years older than Sarah (Gen 17:17)

    At the age of 75, when Sarah was 65, they set out to visit Egypt due to a famine.

    (Gen 12:4,5)

    Now heres the interesting bit as they approached Egypt Abram asked Sarah to lie to save his butt. In effect, Sarah was so beautiful (at 65!) that Abram knew that the Egyptians would kill him to get hold of her. (Gen 12: 11,12,13)

    It worked. Thinking she was Abrams sister, Pharaoh fell for her and wanted to marry her. But then the truth was revealed when Jehovah started to mess the Egyptians up (why?). So Pharaoh told Abram and Sarai to leave.

    Call me cynical, but I find it hard to believe that a Pharaoh, with access to all the young tottie in his kingdom, would fall for a 65-year-old woman who had spent most of her life in the harsh desert.

    And also worthy of note, Jehovah did not condemn and even supported the lie. Perhaps this is the biblical precedent the Society use to support their bare faced lies?

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    There was actually a WT study article about 1-2 years ago that addressed this issue.

    They basically spun it to make it seem that, regardless of her age, she must have been very attractive because that's what the bible says!

  • ashitaka

    she must have been a REAL saucy baby to entice a pharoh at 65, must've had a helluva wrinkle cream.


  • teenyuck

    And also worthy of note, Jehovah did not condemn and even supported the lie. Perhaps this is the biblical precedent the Society use to support their bare faced lies?

    This is in line with all of their thinking....if they did it back then, it was OK, because God was speaking directly to them so they knew what they were doing was endorsed by God. Now when they make an error they say they got "new light"....how can these men be inspired and at the same time, be so wrong?

    When you read crap like this (the story) and realize that the whole book is one big fable, you have to wonder about the ability to think for yourself.

    Watching The History channel last night, they showed someone writing in Hebrew, with a very old style writing utencil and on an old scroll...it took forever to form a sentence. How could these people possibly tell these stories in a timely manner? By the time the story got to the guy (most likley) who wrote it down, how did it change? Makes you think...

    I simply do not believe it....Aesop had some good fable's; they taught some good lessons.

    BTW, she was probably using Estee Lauder; being a Jew and all.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    The Watchtower belief is that fibbing to save a life is not the same as lying to maliciously hurt someone. That wouldn't sound so illogical or abusive, but it is used as part of "Theocratic Warfare" by them a whole whole lot. Relatively few rank-and-file know this but probably 75% of elders do and regularly use it in one fashion or another on the rank-and-file. The highers up do so even more. Jerry Bergman and a German writer jointly have commented on this in a German work which translated, I think, was called Theocratic Warfare. They surveyed former elders, POs, COs, and found the higher up the ladder they went the greater the percentage who use TW.

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