Its an interface for a data backup system. Its not hooked up right now so dont worry about pressing something wrong. The username and password is pass. waddya think?
by bboyneko 6 Replies latest jw friends
Its an interface for a data backup system. Its not hooked up right now so dont worry about pressing something wrong. The username and password is pass. waddya think?
Looks sweet Bboy The printing is kinda small, it will be bigger right?
maximize the window, it becomes as big as you need it.
Wow. Did you do that from scratch? Don't know what it is but it looks good.
Very, very nice. I was also worried about the font size, but maximizing the window solved that problem!
Great work, bboyneko!
Yah, the funny thing is I dont do programming. Im a graphics dude. But apparantly my caveman-like knowledge of flash actionscript is superior to their resident programmers so they had me do this. It took a LOT of homework and trail and error to get this thing werkin. Yes its from scarcth all the graphics were made by me. It will have sounds and stuff later. The funny thing is I still dont quite understand just what the hell this thing is going to do.
Sorry to say, but I can't get it to work. It's probably me. Oh well.