House of Commons: JW`s Fraudulent.

by Englishman 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This article appeared in todays "The Times":

    FRIDAY MARCH 02 2001

    Gummer attacks Jehovah's Witnesses


    A FORMER Cabinet minister accused Jehovah’s Witnesses of being heretical yesterday and said that their doctrines were probably “fraudulent”.

    John Gummer (C, Suffolk Coastal), the former Environment Secretary and Agriculture Minister, made a series of outspoken remarks as the Commons passed a Bill to allow priests and clergymen to sit as MPs. Mr Gummer said that Jehovah’s Witnesses were “heretical and potty”.

    The Removal of Clergy Disqualification Bill, which cleared the Commons yesterday, replaces Acts dating back 200 years that prevent Catholic priests from serving as MPs and require Church of England clergy to divest clerical responsibilities before entering the Commons.

    Labour has acknowledged that the Bill was being brought forward as David Cairns, a former Catholic priest who is Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for the safe seat of Greenock and Inverclyde, would otherwise be unable to claim his seat if elected. Most MPs supported the measure as ending an indefensible discrimination.

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  • Fredhall

    Oh Gummer have a potty mouth. And don't know when to flush it.

  • Simon

    If only more knew the truth and spoke up...
    All credit to the man - he's just gone up in my estimation.

  • philo


    Thanks for the news mate. I've always quite liked old Selwyn. He say things, if you know what I mean.

    Here a tic, there a tic. That's my considered opinion.


  • expatbrit

    Good old gummy!


  • nicolaou

    Good one Englishman!!

    However, the full transcript of the House of Commons debate is even more interesting!
    You can view the full account by following two links at the bottom of this message but if you trust me, here is the best part!

    "Jehovah's Witnesses hold a belief that is provably fraudulent and wrong. It is right to be tolerant, but not to be ignorant. Jehovah's Witnesses base their faith on doctrines that are propounded by a crook and a fraud who was arrested and found guilty as such in court. For us not to make that perfectly proper distinction is to mislead our constituents. "

    Nic' (crying his eyes out and rolling around the floor in hysterical disbelieving laughter!)

    [original Times article at:,,11-92864,00.html ]

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