some Tyson rhetoric may have helped

by jack2 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jack2

    Some observations on the recent Naeblis vs. Minefield fight:

    It was a pretty good show. Punches were exchanged. There was swelling. Some bleeding from the nose. A couple of head butts, intentional it seems, were used.

    However, what seemed to lacking was judicious use of Mike Tyson rhetoric. Used properly, these Tyson-isms could have put this fight over the top in terms of excitement.

    If you guys go at it again, try using terms like "I'm going to eat your children" or "I'm going to step on your testicles" or "I'm going to crush your skull", or maybe even "I'm going to F**** you till you like it". Used properly, such terminology will no doubt make make the next fight even more compelling.

    Also, might I suggest you get Don King involved somehow? His presence would undoubtedly at a theatrical element that seemed to be lacking in the last fight.

    If these suggestions are employed, then Naeblis vs. Minefield II promises to rank high on the list of great fights of all time. It may then take its rightful place in the annals of pugilistic history, next to some legendary battles like Ali-Frazier, Holmes-Norton, and Hagler-Hearns.

  • Prisca


    These kids don't know how to have a good flame-war. They obviously haven't learnt from the Kings and Queens of the flamewars, have they? Ahh.... those were the days.... Waiting, Tina, Julie, Mommy, Kent, Janh, Norm, and of course me....

    People used to take bets on who would call the other "bitch" first....

    Bets on which thread would be locked first .... (when several threads had wars on them, them were the glory days)

    Bets as to who would bow out first.....

    And of course, who would demand their account to be deleted..... (no guesses for THAT one!)

    Yes, those boys need to learn a thing or two from the Grand Masters of the Flame War years...

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Pris...

    Your "GLORY DAYS" as you so longingly refer to them, were only 3 MONTHS ago!!

  • COMF
    A couple of head butts

    From a couple of buttheads...

  • Prisca

    Shush RF... I'm still reminiscing..... let me bask in my former glory.......


  • jack2

    Well, I's Mindfield, not Minefield (I guess the explosive nature of the confrontation led me to my keyboardian faux pas....jeez, I looked at his name like 20 times before I typed it too)).

    Prisc, I'm glad you saw the over-the-top, tongue-placed-firmly-in-cheek nature of my post. I was a bit concerned that my post could be misunderstood, and I am hoping that Naeb and Mind will not be upset with me. If they start beating on me Prisc, I'll be needing you in my corner!

  • terafera

    Hi Jack!!

    How ya doing?

    LOL@ your parallels! I think Naeb should do a little ear biting..that will stir em up.

    p.s.-what'd you think of the fight? I was soooo glad Tyson finally got his!! I know alot of Americans were hoping he would win, but I'm so happy!!!!! Yaaaahoo!!

  • Imbue

    LOL @ Jack...

  • jack2

    Hi tera! :):),

    Glad you liked the parallel, hehhehe. You're right about the ear-biting, I could just picture Naeb chomping down. Tyson also tried to break a guy's arm once too, and we can't forget his remark that "it was the best punch I ever threw" after he hit Robin Givens, his ex. What a guy.

    Lewis really took him to school. Some people are saying that Tyson lacked fire becasue he was being medicated, due to the chance of his losing $3 million of his purse if he should cause the fight to end on a DQ, like biting again, lol. But to me, Tyson lack of great skills had been exposed long ago, when Buster Douglass beat him badly in Japan.

    And yes, there was a certain satisfaction in seeing him get beat. I remember when Douglass beat him, and it was good to see that thug persona beaten back. The guy comes across like a thug, and thugs need a good whipping every now and then to keep them in line, lol.

    Take care tera!!

    Hi Imbue!

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