There was an illustration given in the "family" book on how to give your children more freedom as they grew up. The illustration was of holding a spring in the palm of your hand. If you were to suddenly release the spring, it would bounce off in every direction with no control what so ever. If, however, you were to gradually open your hand a little at a time and very slowly, you would be able to open your hand with the spring sitting still on your palm.
I was wondering if anyone else was brought up in the truth and then went through a disfellowshipping which was like being "let go" all at once? I've seen several people 'go off the rails' when being thrown out of the borg, and while I would say I didn't entirely go off the rails, I did get into many scrapes trying out drugs, drinking and laying as many women as possible. (please don't have a go, I'm just being honest)
As some of you know, I recently gave up smoking, having done so for 8 years, since being disfellowshipped. I can just about pin point all of my vices back to being disfellowshipped. My point though, is that I don't think this is some kind of rebellion. I actually think, in my case, it was due to not knowing why these things were bad for you or morally wrong. As far as I knew, I didn't smoke or get drunk because it was against Jehovah. No other reason.
In other words, I had spent my whole life being given reasons for not doing things which were at a mismatch with the reasons other morally upright non-JWs had for not doing things. Then, feeling that I was facing iminent destruction by God for all my sins, of which I was rather puzzled at the time, it was like none of these limitations on my behaviour existed anymore. And off I bolted like a spring being let loose.
Hey, I'm still alive!
Edited by - Simon on 15 June 2002 15:39:23