Chosen ways~a prose

by sOOner 2 Replies latest social entertainment

  • sOOner


    From a dream these thoughts arose and upon arising finding pens and

    paper I began this prose.

    Life in almost every instance is chosen.

    Not at the moment of birth but from each moment henceforth.

    You have control of your world and surroundings.

    Your Chosen Ways

    In the first years, you in a sense control your parents.

    They feed, dry, and clothe you when you cry.

    Then in your teens they try to almost no avail to control you because after all it's your life.

    Your Chosen Ways

    As you find your way into the world, you and your Chosen Ways find joy, happiness, pain, depression, and helplessness.

    You swim at times, others have sought your Chosen Ways.

    You sink at times under the influence of there Chosen Ways.

    In the name of love, you destroy your lovingness

    In the name of faith you lose your parents love for twelve years of your Chosen life.

    Your Chosen Ways

    You wander aimlessly, seemingly without purpose, chasing an elusive butterfly for years.

    Live in shelters, on the street

    Not missing a beat.

    You submerge yourself in self _destructive Chosen ways with the same Chosen people

    You are a product of your parents, and there parents and on and on and there Chosen Ways

    You want, you don't want. You laugh, then cry as if the milk spilled or your cup is well filled

    Your Chosen Ways

    One day after living this Chosen life for so many DAYS OF YOUR LIFE, you get hit as if from a thunderbolt.

    You begin to smell the roses, the wetness on the rose petals from recent rain.


    There is No Right way, nor is there a wrong way.

    You awaken with light in your eyes and joy in your heart.

    It is after all,

    Your Chosen Ways.

    Cyndi Martz-Rivera.

    Copyright Oct 2nd, 1999

  • teejay


    Lot of wisdom here.

  • sOOner

    greetings teejay...

    Yes,wisdom I suppose.I just read your profile.You are a loving husband and father.You are not lost.I cannot really imagine being in a marriage with a believer.I hope you are happy in your life.If you check out my profile you will see we have been down the same road and survived.I hated myself so much at one point,well actually several points in my life.I abused drugs,my body,I reasoned what did it matter,who cares.I was told over and over that I was doomed,dead.I am far from that place now.I am on a road that is lit with joy and light.This is a beautiful forum and there is so much love and caring within.

    Blessed be that WE awakened~






    ~Glad you liked my prose.

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