"In the latter part of chapter eleven of his prophecy, Daniel prophetically points to our present twentieth century and the unrelenting rivalry between the democratic, liberal, capitalistic group of nations and the communistic, totalitarian type of nations. Both blocs of nations have been persecutors of the remaining ones of spirit-begotten "holy ones" of Jehovah God, now known as his Christian witnesses. (Isaiah 43:10-12; 44:8) Daniel closes chapter eleven with a prophetic picture of the final siege by the totalitarian "king of the north" against the remnant of spirit-begotten Witnesses, and then says: "He will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him." His political rival for world domination, the democratic "king of the south," will also be brought to his end with no one to help and save him.-Daniel 11:45. - "OUR INCOMING WORLD GOVERNMENT - GOD'S KINGDOM" (1977) pages 121-123
"There can be no doubt that the modern-day "king of the north" is the Communist bloc, headed by the Soviet Union... Since the modern "king of the north" is the Communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union, the "king of the south" can be none other than the rival non-Communist bloc, under the leadership of the United States... Whatever the extent of the "pushing" by the "king of the south" may be, and whether the "king of the north" literally 'floods over' by invading other lands or not, one thing is certain: According to Daniel's prophecy, neither "king" will achieve a decisive victory over the other. Concerning the "king of the north," the prophecy states: "He will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him." (Dan. 11:45) Moreover, a parallel prophecy says of the Anglo-American World Power, also pictured by the "king of the south," that "it will be without hand that he will be broken."-Dan. 8:25... The present-day fulfillment of these prophecies shows that we are now living at the "time of the end." Soon Christ will bring to an end the Communist "king of the north" and the non-Communist "king of the south." - WATCHTOWER 7/15/1981 "THE POWERSTRUGGLE - WHAT OUTCOME?" page 5
Man, it's so obvious that the WT is full of shit. The most brilliant part of thier mind-control is training the flock to accept ANYTHING that they say. All they have to do is go back a few years, and they would see glaring things like this.
Something that's becoming more obvious to me is that it's very long-winded shit as well - probably assists in sending the 'flock' into an accepting type of confusion.
A Look Just Ahead Under the Brightening Light of Bible Prophecies That Are Nearing Fulfillment in the One Form of Rulership That Will Satisfy All Our Needs and Desires
Careful, don't look directly at the brightening light.. You can become BLINDED by the light, you know!!!
Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 16 June 2002 23:19:8
A Look Just Ahead Under the Brightening Light of Bible Prophecies That Are Nearing Fulfillment in the One Form of Rulership That Will Satisfy All Our Needs and Desires.
Yes, all of the dubs desires only....no one else! Little does the unaware PUBLIC know that this book they recieved at their door that teaches this... does not include them..... it just sounds like it does.