The Memorial???

by VioletAnai 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    Ok, I have a question.

    Jesus said we should 'keep doing this in rememberance of me'

    And Paul says 'until he arrives'

    Hasn't Jesus already arrived according to jw's in 1914. So shouldn't the celebration of the memorial have ceased as of this date?

    Comments anyone? I'm confused......again!

  • alliwannadoislive

    did he also say you should invite along a whole bunch of nosey parkers to drop flakes of skin all over the food and turn their noses up at it ?

  • troucul

    good point violet, i like to play devil's advocate alot (my wife always gets mad at me when i do that),and l'd like to come up with an answer for that, but I can't.

  • mouthy

    That is one of the things that convinced me they twist scripture .Yes if Jesus came in 1914- it should have stopped.

    But of course if you look in your "Aid to Bible Understanding "under "lie" they are allowed to withold the truth- to those who dont deserve it-

    So anyone outside of the JWs can be lied to. So no matter what you say to the JW he will try to justify what he believes -so you will only get a lie about why they still do it.

  • josephus

    i willhappily play devils advocate.


    jeses came invisibly in 1914. when he comes finally to execute judgement on wicked mankind then the memorial will cease (maybe).

    this is of course nonsense, but a i recall, its the jw answer.

    read the book "apocalypse delayed"by M James Penton. its published by univerity of toonto press.

    see you


  • blondie

    I think the JWs mean until he arrives to take the remaining ones to heaven to complete the Bride of Christ which supposedly happens around the time Jesus comes in kingdom power with the angels to judge humankind as sheep or goats. That time period has been moved to around the great tribulation now. (Since the remnant will no longer be on earth, there will be no need to have the Memorial.)

    They have no idea yet when that is. Give them time, Violet. Violet, do you go to the meetings and read the publications still? Why not ask an elder that but be sure to use the proper submissive, I'm confused sister approach.

    Let me know what he says.

  • VioletAnai

    Will do Blondie. However, he may bite off more than he can chew with me....I have a million and one questions now, all thanx to this board!!!! and all ones that the brothers will have a hard time answering or will have no answer at all and tell me simply to wait patiently to see what happens!

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