James Penton is he still alive? My wife left me his book but I've not found anything else on him. Does he post somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any help,
by Hold Me-Thrill Me 9 Replies latest jw friends
James Penton is he still alive? My wife left me his book but I've not found anything else on him. Does he post somewhere?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Thanks so much brother.
Do the Berean Bible Students Church have a website? I will google it.
If you are in touch with James Penton please give him the love of a JW who is coming to know truth by means of his book.
Thanks again,
If anyone in the Chicago area wants to find a loving Bible believing free community try
I spoke with James Penton in the early 1980s during the purge that started with Ray Franz and moved down to the rank and file. We were part of a phone tree network that spanned the entire United States and Canada (This was before the Internet).
He called me once and asked if I could go to Mexico as a spy to gather information on the military card issue. I had to say no because my Spanish was heavily accented in English and I felt that they would have become suspicious and blown my cover. I wish I could have.
I've got a very old phone number of his that probably is no longer his but if anyone wants it they can PM me.
as of June 6th
Is that date right? It's only June 4th now. I doubt that you're claiming prophecy!
I haven't seen him post on Facebook in a while, though I've not been on much myself.
Thanks, Van, for the update.
Blessings and much love sent to Dr. Penton. He is an honest man, and was the only source for me when I left the JWS, before WWW and the internet. I say "honest" because his father was a 'higher'up' in the b'Org, and he had the courage, way back then, to go against a 3/4th gen family. I respect the hell out of him.
I very much enjoyed meeting Jim and Marylin at the Christian Believers' Conference in Wenham,MA at Gordon College. These conferences are very upbuilding in my opinion and JW's and exJW's are very welcome there.
It's been a tough few years and many dear friends have passed away, Ray's generation, I guess.
Marylin, Jim's wife just passed last year as Vanderhoven7 said. Rose from ChannelC discussions also passed away and I've lost contact with many good and dear brothers and sisters who used to chat at ChannelC forum.
The last Christian Believers' Conference where I met with Jim and Gord, we talked about starting up a Commentary Press like entity which would keep Ray's books and other materials in print to help JW's break the chains to the WT. We talked about calling it Quest Press, reminiscent of Ron Frye's My Christian Quest.
I'd like to attend the CB Conference once again, it would be great to meet with folks who are interested in a WT/Bible Students reform movement.
I always find it so amazing how quickly Dubs turn on their own.
Jim's first books had earned him national Dub accolades - and then, overnight, he became the first or second-worst apostate since Satan himself.
I always find it so amazing how quickly Dubs turn on their own.
As someone said in another thread: "They shoot their wounded."