YESTERSAY we went shopping nd we was waiting for the bus home (we are not big dudes with computers and cars - like those on this site have -- well we was sitting on the bus bench talking to an elderly lady when all of a sudden we heard a big THUD ad a fenale scream IT WAS AWFUL she had been hit by a pickup truck and I saw it just as she had been knocked down to the very hard ground--lord only knows how extensive her injuries are especially the internal ones / an awful gash on her forhead BLOOD EVERYWHERE---LISA and I R very kind and sensitive ladies to those that R deserving and today we R trying keep the awful sight out of our minds as BEST we can and it is not easy 4 US at all--sure hope the dude who was driving the pickup has good car insurance something tells me he is going to need it..I see us needing TYLENOL PM too for a while as well...I hope I have been coherant enough I sure was shook up by it and LISA ia concerned I will have another stroke because of this terrible accident yesterday...I was thinking about it and gee this lady could have been anyone -- could have been one of you posters on this site / even AJW and guess what I actually CARE about you for some reason---and I am trying to chill for my own good health and I am keeping my meds as well up so I do not go into seizures and or stroke---I know all on this site be they active JWs or former JWs have become very fond of queenie and family and we are taking good care of ourselves so do not worry about US and hope we do not see anything so awful for quite sometime !!! PEACE and hugs too QUEENIE and family
by QUEENIE 5 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Queenie hon,
It's an awful thing to go through - to witness such an event. Even when I was an EMT on the ambulance, there were calls that after my shift was over, I'd try to get drunk and forget (never worked though - too much adrenaline)
Please take good care of yourself Queenie. I'm so glad Lisa is there. My email is open if you need to talk.
.... I mean it you stubborn sweetheart - take care of yourself, and allow Lisa to help you out ;)
lotsa love, Mimilly
Edited by - Mimilly on 17 June 2002 7:55:13
If you find you can't sleep at night, or are having flash-backs of the accident, or feeling overly anxious about what you saw.....
You may suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress - it's a very natural reaction to a horrible event. It might even take a few days before you start getting the symptoms.
I hope the lady recovers from her accident, and I also hope you and Lisa take good care of yourselves too.
I have POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER, and it is a horrible thing to have to live with. It doesn't only effect you, but your entire family. It would be wise to go to your DR. and let him know about your situation. He then can keep you under observation. Should you have PTST, you can get the correct help that you need. There is some great info on PTSD, just type it in on your computer and you'll find out quite a bit.
Sorry you are having to go through this. Thinking of you all.
I know LISA is having trouble sleeping and I will keep tabs on being paranoid about going back around this particular bus stop too I see a shrink about mood swings menopausal you know...TYLENOL PM and if it does not help either one of us in the sleeping department then I will mention it..SO MUCH for living in civilization...((((HUGS))) Queenie
How traumatic for you to have to witness!!!!!!! (((((QUEENIE & LISA)))))