Revelation 10:7 says,
"but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to blow his trumpet, the sacred secret [Greek: mysterion, "mystery"] of God according to the good news which he declared to his own slaves the prophets is indeed brought to a finish."
The key to understanding God's purposes for all mankind is to be found within the prophetic words of the "prophets" of old. In fact, the entire book of Revelation is a complete compilation of all the prophets of old, the fulfillments of their words, for our modern times. These things can be seen with the "spiritual" eye, or with spiritual vision. (1 Cor. 2:15)
In this way, finally when all of God purposes are fully understood by mankind and the "mystery of God" is finally finished, Jehovah thus becomes the "God of the inspired utterances of the prophets". The words become a permanent record for God, an everlasting testament to the truthfulness of "the sacred secret [Greek: mysterion, "mystery"] which has been kept in silence for long-lasting times, but has now been made manifest and has been made known through the prophetic scriptures." (Rev. 22:6; Romans 16:25, 26)
Peter advised,
"Consequently we have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place until day dawns and a daystar rises, in your hearts. " (2 Peter 1:19)
The "prophetic scriptures" then, should be our primary focus, our guide or light, as we would look to it as a "lamp shining in a dark place." In other words, outside of the "prophetic scriptures" we will find no light at all.
An excellent example of how the prophetic scriptures provide light for us today would be Ezekiel 20:35-38. Speaking of the future discipline of "Israel" of our day, it says
"And I will bring you [Israel] into the wilderness of the peoples and put myself on judgment with you there face to face. Just as I put myself on judgment with your forefathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I shall put myself on judgment with you, is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. And I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant. And I will clean out from you the revolters and the transgressors against me, for out of the land of their residence I shall bring them forth, but onto the soil of Israel they will not come; and you people will have to know that I am Jehovah."
When we examine the words of Revelation 12:1, 6, 13-15 and make a close comparison with the above mentioned words of Ezekiel, immediately we see a striking similarity in both messages. Thus proving a future fulfillment for modern-day Israel of our times. Most notably in Revelation 12th chapter, we see a "woman" who has a "crown of 12 stars" upon her head [which pictures 12-tribes of Israel] sent reeling to the "wilderness", away from the "face of the dragon" and intense "persecution", for a "face-to-face" encounter with Her God. A period of intense persecution, or "trampling" by the nations heaped upon her. Verse 13 of Revelation 12th chapter actually says, the dragon "persecuted the woman" and sent water toward her to "drown her" by this "river of water". These are future times, an ominous future for "Israel". A future of intense persecution upon Israel or the "woman" is called the "Gentile Times", where she is "chased away" from her inheritance and land for "sin" on her part. She must stay there, to "complete the days of her mourning" for sinning against God. Afterwhich, she will be offered an opportunity to "bond" with God again, in a "covenant" of peace. (Luke 21:24 KJV; Jeremiah 30:7, 17; Isaiah 60:20)
At Revelation 7:14, this time of intense persecution is called the "Great Tribulation" in many translations. However more explicitly other Bible translations refer to this period as the "Great Persecution" [Jerusalem Bible], or the "Great Ordeal" [New English Bible], or the "Great Oppression" [ Phillips Modern English]. As can be seen in these translations, the intent is not to completely destroy "Israel", but only to offer needed "chastisement" for her "sins" against God. Thus, it becomes a period of persecution, affliction, oppression, a horrendous "ordeal" for Israel of modern times. (Jeremiah 46:28)
So no matter how we look at the prophetic words of Ezekiel 20th chapter, we cannot escape the real reason for God taking this action against Israel. It is for his own "namesake" and not for the sakes of Israel itself. This point is constantly repeated within the 20th chapter of Ezekiel. (See Ezekiel 20:9, 14, 22, 44.). So because of the reproach brought upon God's Name by Israel, God takes this very necessary action. In fact, Ezekiel 39:27 says, Jehovah has obligated himself in such cases. Jehovah must "Sanctify Himself", in the event Israel fails to do so, and carry out her sworn responsibility. So if she fails in doing this, God steps in and "sanctifies Himself". (See footnote New World Translation Ezekiel 39:27 large print Ref. Bible.)
This is just one example of how the prophetic scriptures give us a tremendous glimpse of the future, as it affects modern-day "Israel" of God. These words show us, as a parental figure, the God of "Israel" chooses to discipline his "sons", as Hebrews 12:5-11 shows, to bring about a much needed quality, namely "righteousness".
Jesus showed, in the last days, "Israel" would be in much need of this quality by saying during that time, "Israel" would have to go through a "re-creation" [Greek: palingenesis, "regeneration"; "rebirth"] period. (Matthew 19:28 see footnote lg prt NWT Ref. Bib.) And no question the long hidden "child abuse" problem as well as the secret 10-year "United Nations-NGO/GB" affair all give "convincing evidence" of the compelling need of "righteousness", on the part of modern-day "Israel". Also the practice of shunning as "apostates" those who object to promulgating the unproven, false teaching/dogma of 1914 shows a blatant disregard for "truth" and a sordid "rejoicing in unrighteousness" upon the part of wicked "Israel" of Bible prophecy. (1 Corinthians 13:6) [ ***See link below on the error of "1914" teaching.]
Jesus foretold Israel's disobedience by saying
"And when that one arrives he will give the world [Israel] convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment...because they are not exercising faith in me." (John 16:8, 9)
These words of Jesus have proven quite true for us today. This is because, Jehovah's Witnesses, with all of her unrighteousness, continues to "fit the bill" of the prophetic description given of her centuries ago, as modern day "Israel" of Bible prophecy. We have the "convincing evidence" of her guilt right before us, just as the "God of the inspired utterances of the prophets" said centuries ago. (Revelation 22:6)
Edited by - bjc2012 on 17 June 2002 18:30:26