Does anyone know me?

by mevirginia 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mevirginia

    I have been out for several years and would like to find out if any of my old friends from the past have left since.

    I have changed my name. It use to be Fox. All of my friends from way back would have been located in the San Gabriel Valley area 20 years ago.

    I know it's a long shot but I thought I would post anyway.

    I have to leave for a while but will check back tomorrow to see if there is a chance someone might answer.

  • mevirginia

    How about this instead?

    How many know where San Gabrriel Valley is?

  • LDH

    LOL Watch out Virginia. According to your pic, you're a pretty good looking gal. There's a ton of guys on this forum who will purport to "know" you.

    Heck, they might even ask for your phone number so they can get "re-acquainted" with you.

    Welcome. Tell us a little about yourself. San Gabriel Valley here in California? I'm in Fresno.


  • Reborn2002

    Welcome mevirginia.

    Hey LDH, dont be so quick to give away our secrets!

    Flirt? Me??? NEVER!

    Anyway, welcome mevirginia and I wish you well.

  • Yerusalyim

    Yeru doesn't know MeVirginia, but would like to.

  • mevirginia

    This is the kind of welcome wagon I like! Mucho thank you.
    I no longer live in the San Gabriel Valley area, I havent for twenty years.
    That is also how long it has been since I saw any friends I had from The Old congregations I attended. I figured there must be at least a few floating around somewhere disassociated or otherwise.

    This place is just crawling with good lookin men. I became engaged last summer
    But if (god forbid) it doesnt work out, I know where Ill be shopping.

    LDH, I am a little failure with Fresno. I have some old friends who live there and also in Bakersfield. I havent been out that way though for about 5 years now. The last time was on a camping trip. I really enjoyed the area, would have enjoyed it more if the temperature were at least below 100 degrees.
    I dont know how you can take the heat for such long periods. Up in the Mountains though it was very nice.
    I stopped in at the Indian casino while I was there. Sat and watched while a woman spent the entire morning (I didnt watch the entire morning) drop more then 2,000 in a slot machine. I think when we left she was ahead by 25.00

  • mevirginia


    I'm not a failure in Fresno. I am FAMILURE with Fresno.

    I haven't got the hang of the formating features yet.

  • LDH
    I dont know how you can take the heat for such long periods

    Helps with weight loss, LOL. All you feel like eating is watermelon or honeydew.


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