I am so frustrated. I don't know what to do/feel/think. On one hand I want my parents "out of the truth" and then on the other hand...I wonder if it were to really harm them if they stayed.
I know that for me...to be out is the best thing to ever happen to me. But...???
I have talked to my parents, devout JW's...mom is an ex-pioneer (disabled now) and dad is a MS (pushing for Eldership).
For years I have tried to reason with them. To no avail...lik that is a surprise to anyone.
I was disfellowshipped...this did not add to my crdibility with them. But recently I am reinstated and I would have thought that they listened to me a bit more than they did before. Considering that they come and stay in my home now for District Assemblies.
This time that they were here...I tried pushed...under duress...regarding the Dateline story and numberous other doctrines. I tried very hard not to approach any of the subjects that bothered me but my mom seemed to push a bit more than I did. It seems that the more I push the closer mom gets to the Org. and (possibly?) the farther dad gets from it.
It came down to...me asking..."How can the Society, on one hand state that they are "spirit directed by God"...yet claim to be imperfect humans so we must understand the indescrepencies. I was talking to "mom" at this point, she did not understand how I felt...so I turned to my (soon to be Elder father) and said..."The Society claims on one hand to say they are spirit directed by God and yet then claim to be imperfect humans with imperfect problems. I don't see how they can claim both ends of the stick. Do you understand what I am saying?" He said "Yes, to an extent I do." He did not clarify further...but I think I am getting somewhere with him. For my mom, I think I am pushing her closer to this cult.
How do I balance all of this?