Jehovahs Witnesses In A Nutshell

by invisible 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    So much information on this website, so many raw emotions felt by individual's as a direct consequence of being in this 'religion', the underbelly of WT teachings that the Organisation tries it's damnedest to keep from you, the general public, in essence, what is it that these people really believe in a nutshell?

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that this whole world is lying in the complete control and power of the wicked one, Satan the Devil. Who is Satan according to their belief structure? Satan is (they say) furious with Jehovah's true servants, he is invisible matter of extraordinarily dark and evil energy, as much alive as you or I. Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are God's only true channel of communication on earth today. Satan therefore, tries everything within his power as the wicked ruler of this planet to usurp true worship. If you are not on the side of God's true organisation, the Jehovah's Witnesses, you are on the side of Satan, within his control.

    Nevermind if you have beliefs and faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, if you are a Christian belonging to the Catholics, the Protestants, Born Again Christians, if you are Jewish, if you are Buddhist, if you belong to Islam or Hinduism, Muslim, Shinto or any one of another myriad paths, anything else but a Jehovahs Witness, you might as well forget it, you originate with the Devil, Satan, your teachings and faith are false and you are condemned to die at Armegeddon.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that right now, they are God's only instrument on earth today, their building work worldwide is the only remaining structure in place when God destroys everything and everyone else not belonging to His path of true worship at God's great final battle with Satan. In other words, they believe fervently that all the issues currently underway worldwide revolve around their Organisation. What does this mean?

    It means that all your essential services out there as part of any society, the police, the hospital / medical professions, the firefighters, your environmentalists, your businesses, charities, everything is in the hands of control by Satan, this invisible dark and evil brooding energy, controlled by him. Yet ....

    If you read their publications, more specifically the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, in there you will see countless articles upon mankind's endeavours, even though in their belief structure, they say these are in the reins of Satan, this I have always found a tad odd, contradictory to say the least.

    What does this therefore say really of the nature of the mindset of Jehovah's Witnesses and their ruling Governing Body in New York? Does it suggest that they are somewhat paranoid? Does it suggest that they are somewhat disallusioned, believing too much in the powers of invisible demonic forces pitting themselves against everyone else in the manner that they preach about?

    I leave you to make up your own mind, based on the evidence that they themselves set forward in motion.

    Please let me know your thoughts on this absurdly dangerous situation, and whilst your'e doing this consider:

    Why would a God who has abundant pure love, need to protect himself with Satans corporate legal system?

    Jehovah's Witnesses, really on God's side? Or reliant too much upon true worship being fulfilled with the aid of 'Satans' system?

    Your space ....

    'Celtic' Mark - Penryn, West Cornwall, UK.

    [email protected]

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well mark I am coming to the conclusion that despite all its claims to be on God's side and in a spiritual war against Satan himself the WTB&TS is itself the great harlot, She herself is the great apostate. preaching one thing publically and acting otherwise. Even their teachings pervert the scriptures.

    God is a God of truth. There is nothing truthful about the WTS.

    God is a God of mercy. There is nothing merciful about the WTS.

    God is a God of justice. There is nothing just about the WTS.

    God is a God of love. There is nothing loving about the WTS.

    They claim to follow and serve God. The God of truth, mercy, justice and love. Repeatedly their actions prove the exact opposite. This web site, Randy's website, and the silentlamb website as well as many others on the internet are full of stories proving them to be liars, merciless, unjust and most definitely unloving.

    God warns a double punishment on those who hurt the flock. It's time will come.

  • invisible

    How very much I agree with your sentiments LadyLee, the thought has crossed my mind before many times, thankyou, appreciate your feedback at all times.


    Edited to correct single spelling error

    Edited by - invisible on 18 June 2002 15:6:48

  • JosephMalik

    Lady Lee,

    Nice post. I like it. Could not have said it better. Thanks.


  • Michael3000

    That's a pretty big nut!

  • garybuss

    A while back I wrote an article about this subject and showed how "New Light" comes from Satan.

    New Light

    from Old Books and Dead Opposers

    by Gary Busselman

    In support of their recent Biblical interpretation change concerning "this generation" (Matt. 24:34), the Governing Body (hereafter GB) of Jehovah's Witnesses submitted four documents. (Watchtower, 11/1/95, p. 12)

    Those were:

    1. Walter Bauer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.

    2. W.E. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

    3. J.H. Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.

    4. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (1964), edited by Gerhard Kittle.

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