If the devil is real...

by dmouse 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    ...and the WBTS is really God's organisation on earth, then how come:

    1. It's so dificult to get the worldly (Satan controlled) media interested in JW issues?
    2. JWs have done so well in worldly (Satan controlled) legal systems?
    3. Apostates aren't rich - I mean, if most of the people who post on this board became millionaires we would spend a considerable amount of time and money attacking the WBTS, so why doesn't the devil let us apostates win the lottery?
  • NeonMadman

    1. The JW's don't think it's so hard; obviously NBC jumped all over this story with a view to discrediting JW's. They have no clue how much energy and personal sacrifice by the participants went into bringing this information to public view. Besides, the Society says it's all satanic persecution - what more do the JW's need to hear on the subject?

    2. Satan isn't all-powerful, and Jehovah can manipulate matters to come out in his people's favor. If they win in court, Jehovah was with them. If they lose in court, Satan is in control of the government systems. Either way, they have the truth (TM).

    3. Apostates ARE rich! Don't you know that Ray Franz made gazillions of dollars off his book?

  • NeonMadman

    Addendum to 3: Of course, if any apostate is NOT rich, it's because Jehovah has withdrawn his blessing from that one...

  • ISP

    Thats because Jehovah is battling the Devil and he mostly wins, silly.


  • Xander

    But.....he doesn't always?

    Doesn't that have some uncomfortable implica..*BZZZT*

  • ISP

    He allows satan to win some battles so we can show our true love and stuff.


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