A perfect evening,,almost

by TruckerGB 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    When I got home from work this evening,had tea,looked at the tv guide and decided there was nothing worth watching,I thought,'I know as the suns shining I will go for a run on my motorbike'.

    Off I went,found some interesting country roads and was really enjoying myself,when I rumbled round a corner and guess what,the local farmer had just brought his cows in and we know what they leave all over the road!.

    The bike now looks like a farmyard,I smell like a farmyard and had to have a hosepipe turned on me and the water was cold,

    next time,Im going out in the rain!.

  • Englishman

    I've been meaning to have a word with you about your after-shave...


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Ahhh; poor Trucker! I expect you now smell like most of the men in Somerset now !!

    At least you fell off in privacy...the one and only time I came off was in the middle of a town;I managed to hit the pavement,flip over a wall and land-head first- in a front garden!

    and I was with people I had coached through their 'part one's'-just a tad embarassing!

  • TruckerGB

    I didnt actually fall off,I just got covered,I think I would have rather fallen off though,I would have smelt less!.

    I like your embarrasing moment,thats one for history.

    Take care.

  • terafera

    Hey, Trucker. That sounds like fun! (the riding part..not the umm...hehe..well..)

    When you go again, I'd love a ride!

  • TruckerGB

    I have a spare crash helmet,and I promise I wont use that road again.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'll never go to Bridgwater again.

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