Another look at Israel/Palestine
by bboyneko 8 Replies latest jw friends
Well, that cartoon sums things up perfectly. The Palestinians and Isrealis are too busy living in the past, finding blame and seeking revenge to even bother themselves with solutions in the present.
The whole thing angers me greatly. Until Sharon and Arafat are replaced as leaders, what we see is what we'll continue to see. I disagree with what the Isrealis are doing to the Palestinians and also what the Palestinians are doing to the Isrealis.
Until they get past religion, history and revenge, there will never be peace in the Middle East. Very very sad. Both are wonderful peoples with great cultures.
I think it would be interesting to watch them fight to the death.I spent some time in the sixties watching the us troops in vietnam ,the eighties was the Iraq and Iran conflict in the news everyday the nineties was the gulf war ,so what the hell let's do this one right and get the pop corn and beer for a good ole wing ding.
Edited by - heathen on 19 June 2002 18:5:25
BTW , My compliments on the cartoon lol
Both Nations need a UFO to land right on the border, and just stay there, hovering from one side to the other, with it's lights blinking, and it's high pitched frequency cutting off all communications.
We could watch while both sides used up all of their amunitions and weapons, getting nowhere. When this happens, then the ship opens up and "Gort" comes out (from the movie "When The Earth Stood Still") Picks up both leaders, takes them aboard and then flies off.
After they have had their brains rewired, they are returned. PEACE AT LAST. They can't remember what they were fighting about in the first place!
All the while, the media is catching all the events on film, and will release it this Fall to local theaters.
I fail to see 26 Innocent Israelis killed and over 70 injured WITHIN a 24 hour period as the "past"
There is no innocent side because they both kill each other.
Shalom, Gort, mah shlom cha?............klatu----barada-----nikto.
Edited by - Bhagavad on 21 June 2002 1:40:25
I fail to see the Israelis defending themselves against terrorists in the same light as Palistenians blowing up innocent civilians. So far we've not had Jews strapping on bombs and blowing up Arabs at Bus Stops.