There have been some acts of personal bravery in this organization. Martin Poetzinger
endured a death camp. Rutherford gave speeches before violent opposers who could
have easily shot him. I recall that Henschel may have been beaten and Sydlik may
have risked his safety visiting in other nations where Witnesses were banned.
With this history in hand, why has the Watchtower Society embraced cowardice?
Please consider how their cowardly nature is made manifest by the practice of
amibiguity, deliberate deception - and lies.
They wish to gain the advantages of citizenship but will not explicitly say if
voting is wrong or forbidden. They don't like bad press about the blood issue but
won't explicitly say if Witnesses will be shunned or not for taking blood. They write
vague replies about new blood products without ever simply saying "it's up to your
conscience AND THAT'S IT - we're staying out of it!". They drop new blood cards
and omit the issue from new publications but won't admit they are backing away
from the issue. They want to curry the favor of international agencies but SCURRY
into the obscure darkness like cockroaches when their U.N. alliance is exposed.
Pastor Russell once said that if hellfire was true, Christendom should never stop
preaching it. They should emphasize it above every other consideration to prevent
anyone from being condemned to eternal torment. Fred Franz used to quote
Titus 3:8 "...concerning these things I desire you to make firm assertions constantly
in order that those who have believed God may keep their minds on maintaining
fine works."
Well, are these issues that the Society treats with such ambiguity VITAL for
SALVATION or not? Clearly, if they cannot say plainly "this will get you destroyed
at Armageddon", then they have lost faith in their own doctrines and are playing
a cowardly game of arcane pronouncements while cravenly hiding behind a
gang of lawyers. Nor does it show anything but cowardice when they dissemble,
deceive, and lie to the media when they get caught covering up child molesters.
I guess "John the Baptist" has "left the building!"
Finally, what spirit is manifested when they try to bully people into remaining
silent about child abuse? what spirit is manifested when trying to bully and
bankrupt a loving father trying to save his daughter's life? It certainly isn't
How can anyone feel anything but contempt for an organization
that refuses to say what they mean and mean what they say - and
that bullies the weak and disadvantaged?