Diabolical, Isn't it? (New WT "Beroean")

by winsome 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • winsome

    "Slave Organization" Re-defines A "Beroean" -- Ones "Willing to Believe" Without Checking Scriptures

    Something very diabolical I believe is going on with the WTS. Years ago, when I joined the JW organization, we were encouraged to become a "beroean". Back then, it used to be a good thing to be a "beroean". One who scrutinizes all things with regards to all "religious instruction". The true "beroean" was one who verifies, checks all important matters and "makes sure of all things" as to important "religious instruction". When it comes to these very important, the wise course would be NOT to foolishly " put faith in every word" but be "the shrewd one who carefully considered all his steps". The WTS initially recommended this course for all christians. What happened? -- Proverbs 14:15

    In 1957, newly interested ones and rank and file JWs were given the following "food" as acceptable "christian" behavior, by the Faithful and Discreet Slave. The "Beroean" procedure was fully endorsed and encouraged by the WTS to assist individuals to arrive a proper understanding of scripture and God's Will. The WTS said:

    "Third, to lay a foundation for understanding that is sound, one must be willing to compare any religious instruction he receives with the Scriptures. Can it be proved by the Bible? If not, then reject it. God's command is: "Make sure of all things." The Bible commends those who do this, such as the Beroeans of whom the scripture says: "Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with the greatest readiness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." They examined even the teaching of the apostle Paul, checking it carefully with the Scriptures. So lay the right kind of foundation for understanding by following the Bible counsel: "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and complete will of God." -- 1 Thess. 5:21; Acts 17:11; Rom. 12:2 -- 6/1/1957 Watchtower page 327

    So a Beroean was one who "carefully examined the scriptures" to make sure, the message had true scriptural backing. They "carefully checked the scriptures", daily. The WTS said: If the teacher couldn't prove it, then reject it! Even if the teaching was from Paul an apostle, no that didn't matter. Paul's teachings was not exempt from this possibility of proper "rejection" using the "Beroean" procedure. The Beroean was the recommended course. He was one who always "proved to himself" all things. He made sure. And we notice the WTS used 1 Thess. 5:21 and Romans 12:2 in conjunction with Acts 17:11, which say, "prove it to yourself" the will of God, and "make sure of all things". That's "Beroean" procedure.

    Now, the latest spiritual "food" from the "faithful and discreet slave organization" on the attitude of a "Beroean".

    "But does this mean that those Beroeans were looking for flaws in the message they were hearing, or that their attitude was one of doubting? Does this set a precedent for regarding critically the publications brought forth by the faithful and discreet slave, with a view to finding fault? Not at all!...These Beroeans listened with a readiness, yes, an eagerness, to believe. Thus not only were they open-minded, but they were wanting to have this good news proved true. In fact, for a person to acquire faith he must have "the will to believe." If he is determined not to believe, then no amount of evidence will convince him; for if a person looks for them he can always find excuses, plausible reasons for not accepting the accountability that belief will bring upon him...But the Beroeans had the will to believe. They considered what they heard with a receptive frame of mind...Jesus' disciples wrote many letters to Christian congregations, to persons who were already in the way of the truth." But nowhere do we read that those brothers first, in a skeptical frame of mind, checked the Scriptures to make certain that those letters had Scriptural backing, that the writers really knew what they were talking about...the record that the faithful and discreet slave organization has made for the past more than 100 years forces us to the conclusion that Peter expressed when Jesus asked if his apostles also wanted to leave him, namely, "Whom shall we go away to?" No question about it. We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the faithful and discreet slave organization." -- 2/15/81 Watchtower pages 18, 19

    So now, "the faithful and discreet slave organization" (and not Jehovah's apparently), says the brothers of the first century DID NOT CHECK THE SCRIPTURES to make certain of the veracity or truthfulness of the message. They did not check the scriptures, but approached these things with an "open frame of mind" and genuine "willingness to believe". This is what's important. The attitude of the reader. The "Beroean" would just accept the message without checking. Otherwise, that would be a "critical", "skeptical frame of mind". That would be an unseemly inappropriate attitude to take on all messages coming forth from the "faithful and discreet slave organization" and publications "coming forth" from them. Do not check, just be willing to believe the "slave". Because "you cannot find the scriptural guidance you need outside" of the WTS. So just be willing to believe.

    Does anybody else here see something awfully diabolical or sinister in such a statement?

    Big change here, I think.

    BTW, on another "sinister" note, when did it change from "Jehovah's Organization" to the "faithful and discreet slave organization"? I thought the organization belonged to Jehovah? Did that change? What's this "faithful and discreet slave organization" stuff I'm reading? I missed that one. Has anyone else noticed that subtle change in their writings?


  • obiwan

    If you change things slow enough no one will be the wiser.

  • crawdad2

    wow, winsome!!!........... they are really hanging themselves now!!!!,,,,,,,,, omg!!!!......... i love it!!!!

  • Matty
    These Beroeans listened with a readiness, yes, an eagerness, to believe. Thus not only were they open-minded, but they were wanting to have this good news proved true. In fact, for a person to acquire faith he must have the will to believe.

    When I was a loyal Witness and I had doubts, this kind of blind attitude kept me in. Despite the thought at the back of my mind "Hey, this is nuts!", I just went along with it.

  • Flip

    The technological scope of scrutiny available to those interested in Jehovah's Witnesses and the Corporation they adhere to, for many, is much, much greater than in previous years.

    All that is needed is to narrow the psychological definition of what the WTBTS Corporation considers acceptable personal scrutiny.


  • SloBoy

    Obiwan......good point, makes me think of that well-worn illustration about ' cooking a frog by slowing turning up the waters temp.' For the WBTS frog, methinks the ' water ' is getting a tad bit uncomfortable.

  • SpiderMonkey

    one must be willing to compare any religious instruction he receives with the Scriptures. Can it be proved by the Bible? If not, then reject it.
    God's command is: "Make sure of all things."
    "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and complete will of God."
    "But does this mean that those Beroeans were looking for flaws in the message they were hearing, or that their attitude was one of doubting? Does this set a precedent for regarding critically the publications brought forth by the faithful and discreet slave, with a view to finding fault? Not at all!...These Beroeans listened with a readiness, yes, an eagerness, to believe. Thus not only were they open-minded, but they were wanting to have this good news proved true. In fact, for a person to acquire faith he must have "the will to believe."

    Gag me! Sounds an awful lot like predestination all of a sudden. "Son, to be a sheep, you gots to think like a sheep..."


  • Perry


    I really enjoyed your post. This subject keeps getting hit and slapped from different viewpoints and I think each of us is slightly differently affected by the way the WTS continually places themselves in a position of superiority and beyond scrutiny through linguistic sleight of hand.

    Their obsession with "truth" is the impetus for an entire framework of view that delivers what they promise. We so many times get caught up in the WTS 's failures that are of a technical, biblical, or prophetic nature. Those things are not really the goods that the WTS promises. The core of what the WTS promises is the illusion of superiority over your fellowman. That theme is supported through any number of methods....but the common thread is the linguistics.

    I used to think that the craftsmanship of attaching random meanings to words to create the feeling of superiority in members was masterful. I now view it as simple salesmanship. Really, something that many people do every day to create a feeling in people so that something can be extracted from them....usually money.

    If you have ever been really conned, you know that you've been ripped off, but a part of you just can't help feeling appreciation for the twisted genius behind it.

    It would be so much easier to swallow if all we lost was some money. Unfortunately, their game has much higher stakes.

    Thanks for the quotes.



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