Today I received the following email from Noname.
I know it had to be from someone in this forum because I only use this Yahoo email for our forum and for a Spanish forum. Since the letter is in English, and it is a very bad English, I can only assume that the person who wrote it either holds an Ed.D. (doctorate in education,) or it originates from a real zealous JW who does not have a spell checker in his/her word processor, and spent his/her years selling Watchtowers instead of going to school.
Date: |
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 06:25:41 -0700
"NO NAME" < [email protected]> |
You say you were once a witness, then you Must be able to clearly see
the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is, its approching destruction which marks the beginning of the end
of this system.
You have KNOWINGLY put yourself in a position of certain death.
You also know the plans for dealing with those who ridicule gods
You have put it in writing which can only mean your suacidal.
God dose not want any to die, he will receave you back like the
prodical son.
The only good thing i can see here is that in the New World you poor
wife & family will be rid of YOU.
Dear Aanonymus,
Yes, I have clearly seen "the present world wide ridicule of organised religion for what it
clearly is." As a matter of fact, I painted the rear window of my van for three days announcing the Dateline Show that was going to take place on May 28, 2002 so that people would know how a hypocritical religion protects its children. Probably they were thinking of Jesus saying Let the children come to me.
I also distribute a pamphlet entitled "55 Questions to Ask Jehovahs Witnesses Using the NWT." I even copied the texts from the Watchtoer CD-ROM. I do this out of my own pocket because I feel guilty about how many people I introduced to your destructive cult when publishing your lies.
Your religion is more organized than most, and keeps its members fully busy in order to keep their sheep from thinking. You even call yourselves "The Organization." I know of no other religion that calls itself The Organization.
I know that your organized religion is approaching destruction because its numbers have been steadily decreasing in countries where the Internet is available. As Abraham Lincoln once said: You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
According to your religion, I have been in a position of certain death in order to satisfy the sense of justice of a god who deemed necessary to sentence to death all of humanity because someone ate a fruit. Out of love for the people who he, himself, sentenced to death, he sent his son so that by his son being sentenced to death all of humanity would be free of death, but that happened over 1970 years ago, and people still keep on dying.
I really don't have a problem with most Christian religions, as long as they leave me alone, but I have no patience with dangerous mind-controlling cults like yours. Did you ever think who publishes all those WT books about other religions and why you are forbidden to read the same books, or why you are not supposed to have independent bible studies? I would strongly recommend that you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, an ex governing body member.
Which god are you refering to? Jupiter, Baal, Ra, Thor, Huitzilopochtli? I challenge you to read about other religions or even anti-bible or atheist authors. Read other bibles, I recommend King James. Even Thomas Jefferson noticed that the so-called prophecies about Jesus were bogus.
The prodigal son was received with joy. Your organization treats people who return like scumbags, receiving dirty looks, and being forced not to talk to anyone, entering after everybody and leaving before all. No thanks. I'll pass to a cult that has the mother of my children so brainwashed that she tried to kill me, my daughter, and herself because I had committed the great sin of being late five minutes to a meeting. I came back a couple of times so that I could listen to what JWs were saying, and discuss this with my daughters (at that time five and eight-year olds), but they told me they couldn't stand the looks I was receiving. Even at their tender age they noticed the "loving" looks!
Two weeks after tendering my letter of resignation, there were five trucks full of JWs cleaning my house of most furniture, and taking my family to a fourth-floor attic infested with roaches in a dangerous neighborhood with windows and doors covered by steel bars. Why? Because I was putting my family in spiritual danger.
Thanks to Caesar, I prevailed, and I see my daughters everyday, except for four days a month. Another good thing is that the neighbors saw when the mother of my children would hit our car with a metal bar, hit and kick me, and finally the way your church (I do it on purpose, I know JWs don't like to be called a church) emptied my house, taking even the garbage can! The neighbors remember that no man is supposed to break what god has joined. Apparently not god's Watchtower people.
When the brainwashers come to our block, my neighbors in the block send for me, and the JWs leave immediately because they cannot face the truth.
I already live in the New World. It is called America. I am surprised you don't call it The New System of Things instead of New World. Maybe you're not as brainwashed and there is hope for you to become a free human being again.
A word of advice: before you leave, and you will, learn how to make good letters of disassociation, and mail them to your friends before you leave.
Edited by - faraon on 21 June 2002 21:28:38