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ny similarity is just a…coincidence!
*** w86 5/15 25 Are Religious Councils Approved by God? ***
Shocking Atrocities!
H. G. Wells held that the spirit of Constantine dominated church affairs, and he observed:
“The idea of stamping out all controversy and division, stamping out all thought,
by imposing one dogmatic creed upon all believers, . . .
is the idea of the single-handed man who feels that to work at all
he must be free from opposition and criticism.
The history of the Church under [Constantine’s] influence becomes now therefore a history of the violent struggles that were bound to follow upon his sudden and rough summons to unanimity.
From him the Church acquired the disposition to be authoritative and unquestioned, to develop a centralized organization and run parallel to the empire.”
Charges of heresy proved to be a ruthless scheme to eliminate opponents who dared to defy Christendom’s church councils.
Any who expressed differing opinions or even attempted to present Scriptural proof refuting the dogmas and canons (church laws) of the councils were branded as heretics.
The determination to stamp out opposition led to dreadful atrocities.
Most of those pronounced guilty of heresy against the popular dogma of the council were burned at the stake, suffering the agony of a slow death as a public spectacle—supposedly in the name of Christ!
*** w86 5/15 26
Since those desiring Jehovah’s favor must worship him “with spirit and truth,” how could he approve of councils fostering false doctrine?—John 4:23, 24.”
Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp